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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2017The Role of Recti ed Currents in Far-Field RF Sheaths and in SOL Losses of HHFW Power on NSTXPerkins, R.J.; Hosea, J.C.; Jaworski, M.A.; Bell, R.E.; Bertelli, N.; Kramer, G.J.; Roquemore, L.; Taylor, G.; Wilson, J.R.
Apr-2016Large-volume flux closure during plasmoid-mediated reconnection in coaxial helicity injectionEbrahimi, F.; Raman, R.
Nov-2016Real-time Radiative Divertor Feedback Control Development for the NSTX-U Tokamak using a Vacuum Ultraviolet SpectrometerSoukhanovskii, V.A.; Kaita, R.; Stratton, B.
2016Hydrogen Retention in Lithium on Metallic Walls from “In Vacuo” Analysis in LTX and Implications for High-Z Plasma-Facing Components in NSTX-UKaita, R.; Lucia, M.; Allain, J. P.; Bedoya, F.; Capece, A.; Jaworski, M.; Koel, B. E.; Majeski, R.; Roszell, J.; Schmitt, J.; Scotti, F.; Skinner, C. H.; Soukhanovskii, V.
Apr-2016Observation of quasi-coherent edge fluctuations in Ohmic plasmas on NSTXBanerjee, S.; A. Diallo; S.J. Zweben
Nov-2016Diagnostics for molybdenum and tungsten erosion and transport in NSTX-UScotti, F.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Weller, M.
Jul-2018Modeling of a Laser-Induced Rydberg Spectroscopy diagnostic for Direct Measurement of the Local Electric Field in the Edge Region of NSTX/NSTX-UReymond, L.; Diallo, A.; Vekselman, V.
May-2016Understanding the dynamics and energetics of magnetic reconnection in a laboratory plasma: Review of recent progress on selected frontsYamada, M.; Yoo, J.; Myers, C. E.
11-Dec-2015A dynamic magnetic tension force as the cause of failed solar eruptions-
Mar-2019Global modeling of wall material migration following boronization in NSTX-UNichols, J.H.; Jaworski, M.A.; Skinner, C.H.; Bedoya, F.; Scotti, F.; Soukhanovskii, V.A.; Schmid, K.