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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 981 to 1000 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008"Twin Brothers"?: Exploring the Link Between Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism in FranceKatz, Sandra M.S.
1998An Exploration of Capital Flight from South Africa, 1960-1994Bergsieker, Ryan Thomas
2010"Trust Me, I'm a Doctor!" The Quality of Medical Care in Urban IndiaDoshi, Sudeep
1987"Transplanted Flowers:" The Experience of Chinese Students in AmericaBerkson, Mark Allen
1943An Experiment in JournalismWhitehead, Jr., Charles Powell
1972An Experiment in Economic Nationalism: Decision 24 of the Andean GroupLindquist, II, John Theodore
1989An Examination of University and College Policy on Peer Sexual HarassmentLittell, David P.
1957An Examination of the New York State Divorce LawArbeiter, Jay David
1989An Examination of the Linkage between the Criminal Justice and Drug Treatment Systems in New York CitySichel, Jonathan Robert
1988An Examination of the Economic and Social Impacts of Legalized Casino Gambling in Atlantic CityTaylor, Jr., Stephen St. Clair
1948An Examination of the Clear and Present Danger StandardHayes, Jr., Harry Riddell
1942An Examination of the Church-State Conflict in Mexico, 1917-1941Dexter, Jr., Russell
1974An Examination of Lotteries as a Source of State RevenueKirzner, Felice Sue
1973An Examination of Health CareMorrison, III, Myles Clinton
1991"To Foundation of Change:" Secondary Education in a Socialist Greece, 1981-1989Maniatis, Gregory A
2011An Ever Larger Problem: Helping Children Attain a Healthy Size in Khavelitsha, South AfricaPeterson, Brooke
1989An Evaluation of Warning Labels on Rock and Roll AlbumsJaffee, Jonathan Williams
1948An Evaluation of the Rural Electrification AdministrationPearson, Jr., Edward Hale
1998An Evaluation of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Prospects for Its Expansion to ChileBrown, Michael Leonard
1978An Evaluation of Federal Support for Research, Development and Demonstration of Solar CellsSkeer, Jeffrey
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 981 to 1000 of 4854