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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1001 to 1020 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1977An Evaluation of Capital Formation and Investment Needs in the United States Economy through 1981Plemenos, Theodore
2006An Ethical Distribution of Healthcare: Applying Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to Public Medical Resource Allocation DecisionsFishman, Alan
1988An Ethanol Program for Guatemala [Brazil's PROALCOOL Experience]Cordon, Roberto
1984An Essay on Leadership: Secretary of State David Dean RuskPollnow, Jr., Charles Francis
1994"They've Come to Stay: International Refugees and U.S. Policy in the Post-Cold War Age"Grin, Radmila
1999"There's No Place Like Home": Housing Inequalities of African-Americans and Native AmericansMcCormick, Erica
1984An Empirical Analysis of Enrollment in Institutions of Higher EducationPorth, Thomas Charles
1978An Early Out: The Recall of Camden County's Juvenile DelinquentsHimmelstein, Alan George
2007"The Truth Shall Make You Free": Religious Resistance to Totalitarian RegimesPellas, Silvio
1989An Assessment of the Zia Regime, 1977-1988Inam, Aliya
1994An Assessment of the Ongoing Attempts to Liberalize the Telecommunications Industry in the United States and the European UnionChristman, Carin Anne
1975An Assessment of the American Jury SystemScott, III, John Thomson
1986An Argument for Centralized Politics and Regional Planning in New JerseyTravis, Marion Elisabeth
1989An Argument and Plan for the Creation of the Teachers CorpsKopp, Wendy S.
2002An Approach to Decision-Making in Medicaid Managed Care: The Challenge of Children with Special Health Care NeedsStein, Julie
1950"The Reader's Digest" and Labour Unions: A Study in Editorial ContentArchie, David Esden
1979An Analysis of the Strategic Petroleum ReserveVictor, Jonathan A.
1997An Analysis of the Regulation of Cigarettes by the Food and Drug AdministrationKatz, Emily Ruth
1952An Analysis of the Pittsburgh Riots during the Great Strike of 1877, and Public Reaction to Them as Reflected in Contemporary Western Pennsylvania NewspapersLowry, Jr., John Beatty
1957An Analysis of the Philadelphia Voting Habits from 1946 to 1956Tappan, James Clifford
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1001 to 1020 of 4854