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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 961 to 980 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004An Untapped Resource: Youth-Driven Websites for Older Adolescents in Foster CareCarrington, Brendon
2011An Unharmonious Civil Society: The Paradoxical Impact of CCP Policies on Urban Chinese NGOsLi, Joy
2009An Uncertain Path to Expansion and Sustainability: The Commercialization of Microfinance in Sub-Saharan AfricaD'Sa, Gitanjali
2008An Uncertain Future: Bolivia's Microfinance Industry under Evo MoralesLoehrer, Joshua
2012"What is Killing Me Most" Chronic Pain and the Need for Palliative Care in a Rural Community in the Eastern Cape of South AfricaDekker, Annette
1992An Investigation of the Feasibility of Using Minimalist Credit to Alleviate Rural Poverty in GhanaBotchwey, Nana Ama
1948An Investigation of Economic Issues Involved in Delivered-Price SystemsSpayd, Robert Vaughan
1982An Investigation of Conflict between the Religious and Secular Duties of the Christian Public OfficialHorvath, Patrick John
1972An Introduction to the Italian Constitutional CourtAlito, Samuel
1942An Interpretation of the Political Evolution of Chile and the Chilean Popular FrontStevenson, John Reese
2009"Any person… a pamphleteer" Internet Anonymity in the Age of Web 2.0Mayer, Jonathan R.
2012An Institutional View of China’s Energy and Carbon PolicyFavaloro, Peter
1986An Information Technology Policy for the European Community: Political Integration and International CompetitivenessDenham, Michael Edmund Graham
1990An Industry Without Frontiers: An Economic and Political Analysis of European Defense Industrial CooperationSouleles, Thomas S
1997An Independent Taiwan?: A Comparative Analysis of Identity and Economics in Taiwan and Puerto RicoHsueh, Stephen K.
2007An Inconvenient Democracy: How Convenience Voting Can Fix American ElectionsReilly, Michael C.
2010An Imperfect Marketplace of Ideas: The Rise of Independent Media in Egypt and Implications for U.S. PolicyWagner, William
1942An Ideological Survey of Chinese CommunismBaldini, Robert Andrea
1951An Historical Analysis of the Water Supply Problems of Decatur, IllinoisOwen, Jr., Honore Martyn
1985An Historic Choice: Geraldine Ferraro's Campaign for Vice PresidentMoskowitz, Ellen Marla
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 961 to 980 of 4854