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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1081 to 1100 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1983An Alliance in Transition: West German - American Disputes over East - West Trade PolicyHayes, Kristin Annette
1954William O'Dwyer: The Responsibility of a Public OfficialBogie, III, Mord
1944An Agrarian DemocracyGoodfellow, Allen Ferdinand
1962Will Rogers: American CharacterGarratt, C. William
1993Will China Democratize?Tseung, Daniel Tar Keung
1998Why What's Good for G.M. May Not Be Good for America: An Efficiency Argument for Rethinking Urban Transportaion Goals and PoliciesGalvin, Jeffrey S.
1988Why the United States Favors Israel's Nuclear AmbiguitySaltman, Jamie Wynne
1990Why Revolt?: Student Unrest in France 1968 and China 1989Muraki, Mina
1945Why Not Damage Suits for Breach of Collective Contract?Steele, Walter Arundel
2010Why is Government in the Garden? Case Studies of Resilient Co-Governance in Urban Community Gardening ProgramsBarmeier, Henry
1983Why Interest Groups were Ineffective in Opposing a Restrictive Access Policy for Princeton University's Harvey S. Firestone Memorial LibraryMack, Michele Lynn
1943Why France FellDavis, John Spencer
1997Why Doesn't She Just Leave?Marier, Alicia Ellen
2012Whoever Loses Homeland Loses All: Separatism, Sovereignty, and State EntrenchmentDiGasbarro, Christina
1941Who's Behind the Eight Ball?Freed, Frederick
1955Who Runs our Colleges? An Analysis of the Influence of Business on Higher EducationGerlinger, Charles Dale
2009Who Rescues the Rescuers? The Impact of the 2008 Recession on Human Service Nonprofit Organizations in Mercer CountyLan, George J.
1997Who Owns the Past?: Governmental Regulation of the Trade in Ancient ArtifactsMares, Joseph Jan
1943Who Leads the Sheep? Pro - British Propaganda in the United States Between September 1939 and December 1941Bigelow, John McKibbin
1953Who in South-East AsiaThoeny, Robert Hall
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1081 to 1100 of 4854