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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1101 to 1120 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1988Who Decides which Values Our Students Learn, Conflicts in Textbook Selection ProcessesRingo, Mary Ellen
1973Who Cares for the Elderly: The Problems and Prospects of Long-Term CareRothenberg, Karen Hope
1974Who Calls the Academic Tune? Government Impact upon British UniversitiesWeiner, Freda Roberta
1941Whither India?Wood, Jr., Charles Hancock
1999Whispering of the Bauhinia: Legal Autonomy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionRasmussen, Erika
1948Where Do We Stand? A Socio-Political Study of the Inter-War Period with Special Reference to Current American Foreign PolicyLangkjaer, Erik Alexander
2012When Twenty-Seven Act as One: State Preference, Norms of Cooperation, and the Foreign Policy of the European Union after the Lisbon TreatySchmidt, Peter
2000When Trade Goes Bananas: The Role of Interest Group Politics in WTO Dispute SettlementRubinfeld, Rachel Emily
2001When the Company Leaves: The Politics and Economics of Post-Privatization in ArgentinaWeitz, Rebecca
2005When School Ends: Transitional Challenges for Young Adults with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities in New JerseyAsch, Elizabeth
2010When Reconciliation and Retribution Collide: The Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Prosecution ClauseMarshall, Mary
2010When Pantries Go Empty: How Emergency Food Providers Responded to the Great RecessionWang, Mike
1994When Dedication is Not Enough: How Parochialism Has Blocked Systemization in New Jersey's Emergency Medical ServicesMusumeci, Sandra Lynn
2009When Cyrus the Great Meets Uncle Sam: Building a Roadmap to Reengagement Between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of AmericaNorris, Emily Yasmin
1980What's Wrong with This Picture? Television and the First AmendmentMohl, Lucy Rebecca
2005What's Loving Got to Do With It? The Miscegenation Analogy and the Same-Sex Marriage MovementHume, Brittany
1970What's Happening? The Story of Witherspoon Street Community House [Princeton]Hoachlander, Eldon Gareth
2007What Women Need: Princeton Alumnae and their Quests for Work-Life Balance in the Finance IndustryGough, Elizabeth M.
1969What is Wrong with Trenton?Crough, S. Thomas
2005What is Happening to "Brand America"? Exploring Anti-American Sentiment in Europe and its Effects on American CompaniesPerlman, Jacqueline Lauren
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1101 to 1120 of 4854