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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1061 to 1080 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Worker Participation in Latin American Pension Systems: Lessons from the Reforms in Argentina, Chile, and UruguayMoccia-Field, Anna
1984Worker Participation in High and Low Level Decisions: Implications for Democracy, Satisfaction and ProductivityHenigsbluth, Mindy Vera
1977An American Tradition of Citizen Activists: William Lloyd Garrison, Upton Sinclair and Ralph NaderRampell, Paul
1992An American Social Problem: Homelessness Among the Mentally IllGibian, Craig
1976An American Naval Policy for the Indian Ocean AreaHiller, William E.
2003Women's Work, Women's Worry: An Empirical Study on the Effects of Maternal Employment on Children's Cognitive OutcomesAmble, Susan
1988Women's Organizations and the Transition to Democracy in ArgentinaGorbea, Nellie Margarita
1993Women's Emancipation: Marxist-Leninist Theory in Soviet HistoryWauk, Alison C.
2002Women's Access to Land in Post-Apartheid Land Reform: Implications for Socio-Economic Success in South AfricaStraus, Julie
1982Women in the British House of Commons: A Reformist Analysis of Their Problems and ProspectsKien, Lauri Allison
1994Women as Participants in Clinical Research: Scientific, Legal, & Ethical ConsiderationsWisch, Robin Ilene
1946Woman in CrisisShiras, George
1993With Their Backs Against the Wall: A Street-Level Look at Youth Gang InvolvementMeyer, Karen
1983An Alternative Conception of MeritocracyShaughnessy, Robert James
1992With Open Eyes: Mastery Learning in Theory and PracticeWheatley, Adrienne Kimberley
1994An Alternative Approach to International Relations TheoryGriesdorf, Michael J.
1958Winston Churchill and the Conservative Party 1924-1939Balfour, William Lawrence
2007Winning the Twenty-First Century Great Game: Uzbek Nationalism and the Future of Central AsiaRyan, Megan
1944Wings of the NavyMyers, John Holt
1998Wings Asleep in the Flesh of Man: The Ethical, Religious, Social, and Policy Implications of Human Somatic Cell Gene TherapyWolf, Andrea Shari
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1061 to 1080 of 4854