Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1041 to 1060 of 4854
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1981 | Zoning and Residential Change in Atlantic City, New Jersey | Kekeuna, Jr., Robert Kaaiohelo |
1997 | Zoning America: The Evolution of Enterprise Zones in the United States | Kassen, Patrick John |
1983 | Zionism and the Arabs in Israel: The Impact of the Jewish State System on a Non-Jewish Minority | Marcus, Joy Sharon |
1980 | Zaire: A Country of Fortune and Misfortune | Leibenhaut, Mark Harris |
1976 | Yugoslav Self-Management and the Socialist Bloc: The Diffusion of Political Innovation | McCurry, Michael Demaree |
2012 | Youth Democratic Activism and Social Media Usage | Schoenleber, Michael |
1988 | Young Intellectuals in China and the Process of Social and Cultural Change | Wamsley, Annelise |
1989 | You Can't Be What You Can't See [Black youth in the inner city] | Clemons, Elgin R. |
1998 | Yen for Response: Japan's Official Development Assistance and the Crises of Southeast Asia | Dougherty, Patrick M. |
1952 | Yalta and the New York Times: A Study in Shifting Opinion | Allen, David Fulton |
2003 | Written in Sand: A Study of the Australian Aborigines and South African San Land Policies | Masango, Tshepo |
1946 | World War I and the United States Shipping Policy | Seidel, Jr., John Jacob |
2005 | World on Fire: The Global Challenge of Sovereign Debt Reform | Tchalakov, Mara K. |
1987 | World Oil Pricing | Mehl, Marc E. |
1954 | An Analysis and Comparison of Isolationist and Nationalist Thought in Regard to Foreign Policy: United States Senate (1937-1941: 1946-1951) | Sant, John Talbot |
1984 | World Bank Conditionality and African Political Economy | Corbin, Marcus Campbell |
2009 | Working With Islamist Parties: Lessons From the Moroccan PJD | Watrous, Andrew |
2004 | Working Toward a Future? Educational Equity and Vocational Opportunity in the Urban School-Wide Career Academy | Saxton, Curtis |
1941 | Workers' Education for Participation in a Democracy | Robie, Edward Adams |
1978 | Worker Self-Government in the United States: A Case for Imaginative Idealism | Corman, Marjorie Ruth |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1041 to 1060 of 4854