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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-May-2018Calibrationless rotating Lorentz-force flowmeters for low flow rate applicationsHvasta, M. G.; Dudt, D.; Fisher, A. E.; Kolemen, E.
2018Effects of Axial Boundary Conductivity on a Free Stewartson-Shercliff LayerCaspary, Kyle J.; Choi, Dahan; Ebrahimi, Fatima; Gilson, Erik P.; Goodman, Jeremy; Ji, Hantao
Aug-2018Design and measurement methods for a lithium vapor box similarity experimentSchwartz, J. A.; Emdee, E. D.; Jaworski, M. A; Goldston, R. J.
2016Hydrogen Retention in Lithium on Metallic Walls from “In Vacuo” Analysis in LTX and Implications for High-Z Plasma-Facing Components in NSTX-UKaita, R.; Lucia, M.; Allain, J. P.; Bedoya, F.; Capece, A.; Jaworski, M.; Koel, B. E.; Majeski, R.; Roszell, J.; Schmitt, J.; Scotti, F.; Skinner, C. H.; Soukhanovskii, V.
May-2016Understanding the dynamics and energetics of magnetic reconnection in a laboratory plasma: Review of recent progress on selected frontsYamada, M.; Yoo, J.; Myers, C. E.
11-Dec-2015A dynamic magnetic tension force as the cause of failed solar eruptions-
Jan-2017Application of IR imaging for free-surface velocity measurement in liquid-metal systemsHvasta, M. G.; Kolemen, E.; Fisher, A.
Jan-2018Quantitative imaging of carbon dimer precursor for nanomaterial synthesis in the carbon arcVekselman, V.; Khrabry, A.; Kaganovich, I.; Stratton, B.; Selinsky, R. S.; Raitses, Y.
Nov-2016Laboratory study of low-beta forces in arched, line-tied magnetic flux ropesMyers, Clayton; Yamada, Masaaki; Ji, Hantao; Yoo, Jongsoo; Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Fox, William
2018Detection of an electron beam in a high density plasma via an electrostatic probeMajeski, Stephen; Yoo, Jongsoo; Zweben, Stewart; Yamada, Masaaki