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Classics, 1934-2019

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 749
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Virgil Reloaded: Poetic Succession in the Commedia Poetic Succession in the CommediaFletcher, Kathleen C.
1983Virgil and the Golden Age, a Study of a Literary ToposGardiner, Jill Marie
1973Virgil and Dante: Love Is All You NeedNugent, Susan Georgia
2002Verse Into Verse: Horace Ode 4.7 and Intertextual RelationshipsNye, Kimberly A.
2009Vergil’s Eclogues: A Free Verse Translation and Afterword A Free Verse Translation and Afterword By: Navin Dev BhatiaBhatia, Navin Dev
2012Vergilian Metrics; Methods for AnalysisPell, Nathan
2012Vergil and Poetic TranslationGittis, Georgios
1938Verbal Irony in Aeschylus and EuripidesFrick, A.F.
1962Two Medeas: Euripides and Seneca. A Comparative StudyStifler, John Gilman
1996Trials and Tribulations: Politics in the Quaestio de Repetundis from 81 B.C. to 50 B.C.Stark, Paula-Rose
1985Trial Accounts in the Tiberian Books of Tacitus' Annales: Levia Ex Quis Magnarum Saepe Rerum Motus OriunturLavelle, John PAtrick
1997Tradition and Imagination: Studies in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Vita MerliniFord, Thomas Paul
2002Tracking the Pendulum - A Study in the Oscillating Poetic Scheme of Horace's EpodesHall, Brandon J.
2010Traces of Morality in Plautine Comedy: Divine Qualities in Three Plays Divine Qualities in Three PlaysPresser, Elizabeth A.
2000Towards an Understanding of Byzantium, the Balkams and the Face of War 867-1025Hill, Robert Christian
1974Towards a Poetics of Love: Ideas of Order in Pastoral and Amatory PoetryDonlan, James Francis
1989Torah and Nomos: A Brief Look at the History of a ConceptPierce, D. Kenneth
1939Titans of the EpicClay, Jr., Samuel
1977Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, Tribune of the Plebs, 133 B.C.Abramowitz, Roy
1975Three Studies in the Language of EuripidesSiegman, Delger Lisa
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 749