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Classics, 1934-2019

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 749
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1965An Analysis of Plautus' PseudolusLeitch, Jr., Alexander
2009“Prepare for Glory!” The Battle of Thermopylae in Modern Film and Fiction The Battle of Thermopylae in Modern Film and FictionDavis, Madeline J.
2009Άδύνατος? A Study of disability and its complications in ancient Greece from literary, medical, and societal perspectivesCastro, Oscar A.
1971Youth, Age and Time in Early Greek Lyric PoetryGlimcher, Susan Deborah
2003Yearning for Paradise: A Study of the Impulse towards Something BetterShapiro, Joseph Nahum
2004Xenophon as [Greek]: The Dynamics of Divination and Narrative StrategyPukstas, Nicholas Joseph
2005Writing as an Act of Reading: Euripides' Medea in the Christus PatiensLu, Katherine E.
1966Words and Numbers in the Hymns of CallimachusPartridge, David T.
2008Women, Workers, and Worth: An Investigation of Human Value in Ancient RomeJohnson, Ashley M.F.
1993Women, History and Speech in the OdysseyBell, Angela Diane
2001Women's Rights and Social Status In Graeco-Roman EgyptAparece, Victoria A.R.
2011Win the Crowd, Win Students: The Resurgence of Antiquity in U.S. Popular Cinema and What it Means for Classical ScholarshipDillard, Elena K.
1978Where They Were First Called Christians: The Early Church at AntiochMcKnight, Gary Lenox
1983What's In a Name: The Uses of Address in the Odes of HoraceWheaton, Sharon Lynne
1989Amor, Pudor and the Mortal Women of Ovid's MetamorphosesBarcza, Ilona
1986Ammianus Marcellinus -- A Fourth Century Perception of ForeignersBrodnax, Charles Eric
1984Weaving, Wiles and Women: Exchange in the Trachginiae and the AgamemnonLindahl, Ruth Ellen
2004Walter of Chatillon's Alexandreis: A Study in Twelfth Century KingshipTaylor, Amy Kathleen
1999Visual Interpretations: Ovid and Illustrative ArtHodes, Elizabeth Waldron
2000Virtue or Vice? An Investigation of the Tacitean Account of the Reign of TiberiusBuckley, Sean S.
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 749