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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 134
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The Equidistribution of Lattice Shapes of Rings of Integers of Cubic, Quartic, and Quintic Number Fields: An Artist's RenderingHarron, Piper Alexis
2015On local-global compatibility for cuspidal regular algebraic automorphic representations of GLnVarma, Ila
2015Statistical Topology of Embedded GraphsSchweinhart, Benjamin David
2015Anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions and Ichino's formulaCollins, Dan Jack
2015Two dynamical perspectives on the randomness of the Mobius functionPeckner, Ryan Nathaniel
2015Long time behavior of some nonlinear dispersive equationsDeng, Yu
2015Smoothing conic Kahler metrics and the conical Kahler-Ricci flowShen, Liangming
20153-Manifold Topology, with Groups and RandomnessWu, Shuyun Conan
2015A Study in the Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Evolution Equations with Nonlocal OperatorsTarfulea, Andrei
2015Constructions and Computations in Khovanov HomologyManion, Andrew
2015Kähler-Einstein metrics, Bergman metrics, and higher alpha-invariantsMacbeth, Heather
2015Level Set Shape For Ground State Eigenfunctions On Convex DomainsBeck, Thomas
2015Geometry of (1,1)-Knots and Knot Floer HomologyRacz, Bela Andras
2014Topics in Birational Geometry of Algebraic VarietiesZong, Runpu
2014Integrals of automorphic forms and L-functionsTsiokos, Lefteris
2014p-adic approaches to the Langlands programShah, Shrenik Nitin
2014Counting simple knots via arithmetic invariantsMiller, Alison Beth
2014On the global solutions of quasilinear dispersive equationsZhang, Yu
2014FloergåsbordLewallen, Sam Jay
2014Rankin-Selberg integrals in many complex variables and Rankin-Selberg integrals associated to non-unique modelsPollack, Aaron
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 134