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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 134
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Formation of Trapped Surfaces in General RelativityAn, Xinliang
2014On Closed Hyperbolic 3-manifolds and Pseudo-Anosov MapsSun, Hongbin
2014Higher Differentials on Khovanov HomologySeed, Cotton
2014Combinatorial Methods in Bordered Heegaard Floer HomologyZhan, Bohua
2014Etale covering between resolution of isolated singularities and Gaffney-Lazarsfeld Theorem for Homogeneous SpacesTu, Yu-Chao
2014Fluctuation Bounds for Two Disordered ModelsSosoe, Philippe
2014Some Results on a Fully Nonlinear Equation in Conformal GeometryReichert, Nicholas William
2013A Bound on The Average Rank of j-Invariant Zero Elliptic CurvesRuth, Samuel
2013Hyperbolic hypergeometric monodromy groups and geometric finitenessPark, YoungHan
2013An assortment of results in combinatorics and compressed sensingAlexeev, Boris
2013Quantum Cohomology of Hypertoric Varieties and Geometric Representations of YangiansMcBreen, Michael Ben
2013Abelianization of Stable Envelopes in Symplectic ResolutionsShenfeld, Daniel
2013Galois Closures for RingsBiesel, Owen Douglass
2013The Geometry of Stable Quotients in Genus OneCooper, Yaim
2013Hölder Continuous Euler Flows with Compact Support in TimeIsett, Philip James
2013Effective boundedness results in algebraic and analytic geometryDi Cerbo, Gabriele
2013The tautological ring of the moduli space of curvesPixton, Aaron
2013Fibrations in abelian varieties associated to Enriques surfacesSacca, Giulia
2013Nonlinear wave equations on time dependent inhomogeneous backgroundsYang, Shiwu
2013Symplectic Vortex Equation and Adiabatic LimitsXu, Guangbo
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 134