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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 183
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Collective Sensing and Information Transfer in Animal GroupsRosenthal, Sara Brin
2015On-shell scattering and temperature-reflectionsMcGady, David A.
2014Discoveries of New Topological States of Matter Beyond Topological InsulatorsXu, Suyang
2014Topological Insulator Nanostructures and DevicesAlegria, Loren Daniel
2014A Study of Nuclear Recoils in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber for the Direct Detection of WIMP Dark MatterCao, Huajie
2014The Frontier of Modern Calorimetry: Hardware Advances and Application in Particle Physics AnalysisMedvedeva, Tatiana
2014Guiding-center Hall viscosity and intrinsic dipole moment of fractional quantum Hall statesPARK, YEJE
2014First measurement of pp neutrinos in real time in the Borexino detectorMosteiro, Pablo
2014Probing Early Universe Cosmologies With SPIDER and Planck HFIGudmundsson, Jon Emil
2014Strong correlations in gravity and biophysicsKrotov, Dmitry
2014Aspects of Higher Spin Symmetry and Its BreakingZhiboedov, Alexander
2014Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Non-Abelian Quasiholes and Fractional Chern InsulatorsWu, Yangle
2014Cosmological Perturbations in Inflation and in de Sitter spacePimentel, Guilherme Leite
2014Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Vector Boson and Decaying to Bottom Quarks at the CMS DetectorMooney, Michael Ryan
2014Quantum Nonequilibrium Dynamics: Transport, Entanglement, and ThermalizationKim, Hyungwon
2014Aspects of the Renormalization Group in Three-Dimensional Quantum Field TheorySafdi, Benjamin Ryan
2014Identifying details that matter: fruit fly development, genetic regulation, and microbial ecologyTikhonov, Mikhail
2014A Scanning Tunneling Microscope at the Milli-Kelvin, High Magnetic Field FrontierZhou, Brian B.
2014Few-electron Qubits in Silicon Quantum Electronic DevicesWang, Ke
2014Computational Studies of Model Glass-Forming SystemsShi, Zane
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 183