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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 183
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Dynamics of Charge and Spin Qubits Under Strong DrivingStehlik, Jiri
2016Protein structural calculation from NMR spectroscopyKhoo, Yuehaw
2016Quantum Control of Nuclear Spins Coupled to Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in DiamondSangtawesin, Sorawis
2016A Search in the Muon Channel for Heavy Resonances Decaying to Long-Lived Neutral ParticlesHunt, Adam Paul
2016Quantum Hall FerromagnetsKumar, Akshay
2016Transport Experiments of Topological Insulators and Dirac SemimetalsXiong, Jun
2016Detector Characterization, Optimization, and Operation for ACTPolGrace, Emily
2016Assembly, characterization, and operation of large-scale TES detector arrays for ACTPolPappas, Christine Goodwin
2015The Atacama B-Mode Search: Instrumentation and ObservationsParker, Lucas
2015SABRE: A search for dark matter and a test of the DAMA/LIBRA annual-modulation result using thallium-doped sodium-iodide scintillation detectorsShields, Emily Kathryn
2015Spatially-protected topology and group cohomology in band insulatorsAlexandradinata, Aris
2015Eigenstate Phase TransitionsZhao, Bo
2015Studying topological phases of matter in reduced dimensions under the scanning tunneling microscopeDrozdov, Ilya K.
2015Aspects Of Supergroup Chern-Simons TheoriesMikhaylov, Victor
2015New Physics Undercover at the LHCLou, Hou Keong
2015Search for Double Higgs Production in the Final State with Two Photons and Two Bottom Quarks at the CMS DetectorHebda, Philip Robert
2015xy Reconstruction in DarkSide-50Brodsky, Jason Philip
2015Search for Third Generation Scalar Leptoquarks in the t-tau Channel with the CMS DetectorSaka, Halil
2015The Role of MreB in E. coli Shape Determination and Whole-Brain Calcium Dynamics in Freely Behaving C. elegansNguyen, Jeffrey P
2015Scaling and regulation of gene expression in the developing fly embryoSmith, Eric Michael
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 183