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Computer Science, 1988-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 685
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Jun-2016Hom3Design: An interior design based application for crowdsourcing 3D models of furnitureYu, Helen
30-Jun-2016Dynamics of Recurrent Neural Network Models of Working MemoryWawrzonek, Christian
30-Jun-2016Analysis and Augmentation of Ranking Systems: A Case StudyTodnem, Trey
30-Jun-2016Identifying Signs of Depression on TwitterTang, Eugene
30-Jun-2016ScenicRoute A travel-app that takes you from point A to B via points of interest in a given amount of timeSinha, Asavari
29-Jun-2016Tensor Decomposition and Memory Networks for SAT Reading ComprehensionMadge, Saahil
22-Jun-2016The Performance of Elastic Net in Genome-based Disease ClassificationKwok, Jonathan
22-Jun-2016Mobile 3D Reconstruction and Planar Region Detection ParadigmsKoppol, Pallavi
22-Jun-2016Subjective Quality Analysis of Streaming Video on Campus NetworksJordan, Samuel
22-Jun-2016Dynamic Compound-Poisson FactorizationJerfel, Ghassen
22-Jun-2016RAPPOR in RealityJain, Akash
22-Jun-2016Empowering Millennials to Seize Live Experiences: Event Engagement in the Rodeo iOS ApplicationHauss, Michael
22-Jun-2016Machine Learning Approach to Musical Key DetectionCrawford, Christopher
22-Jun-2016Equivalence Class Snapshots in the Data Plane: A Measurement Framework for Network Analysis and Performance Error DiagnosisChang, Michael
22-Jun-2016A Stock Similarity REST API Capturing Time-Series Similarity Through Machine Learning And Data Mining TechniquesCastaneda, Emanuel
22-Jun-2016Money(basket)ball: Using Machine Learning To Build an NBA Winning Strategy Based on Offensive EfficiencyBuono, Michael
22-Jun-2016AngularJS: An Evaluation of a Web Application FrameworkBruccoleri, Kevin
22-Jun-2016Perceiving Personality through Sentiment AnalysisDhawan, Sidharth
22-Jun-2016Regularized Shared Response Models for fMRICohen, Jeremy
22-Jun-2016FastLSU: A Linear Implementation for Controlling the False Discovery RateCeme, Mckervin
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 685