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French and Italian, 2002-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 151
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008"J’ai Deux Amours": African Americans in Paris in the 20th CenturyWedges, Amber T.
2011Post-War Italy Through The Cinematic Lens: "Political Degeneratio" Revolution, TerrorismBenacerraf, Natasha
2003Poésie pour une transcendence terrestre Une analyse de Pierre écrite d’Yves BonnefoyAbu-Zeid, Kareem James
2011Plus Vrai que la Vérité: Qu’Est-Ce que L’Anti-Théâtre et Comment le Mettre sur ScèneWells, Amelia
2011Paris in the Time of Cholera: Medicine & Society in the Nineteenth CenturyKhidia, Khameer Kishore
2012Paradise Reinvented: Christianity and the Question of Happiness in Voltaire’s StoriesJones, Robert C.
2009Nouveaux Contes de fées by the Comtesse de Ségur: A Child’s ManualTanner, Zeterrika
2005Monarchy and the French National Identity: The Lasting Impact of the Hundred Years’ WarThrodahl, Anne Katherine
2010Modern Methods: The Intersection of Myth and Science in the Works of Giorgio de Chirico and Primo LeviBock, Meredith
2010Memories of the Forgotten Islands: Themes in Travel Writing from Corsica and SardiniaMcDonald-Moniz, Hannah
2002MAY 1968 IN FRENCH FICTION: A Sociological and Psychological Interpretation of the Youth RevoltKimber, Cheryl Marie
2006Madame de La Fayette's Vision of the Institution of Marriage in La Princesse de ClèvesMukai, Joanna Harue
2012L’uomo è ciò che mangia: The Role of Pellegrino Artusi’s La Scienza in Cucina e L’Arte di Mangiar Bene in the Evolution of Italian National IdentityPetrucci, Emilia
2005L’Art de la Préface: Les Préfaces de Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, François Mauriac et Romain Gary Entre 1945 et 1968Cooper, Aaron R.
2008L’amor che qui raffina: La lettura dantesca nei film di Roberto BenigniAdams, Catherine L.
2007Looking Beyond the Cloister: Understanding Cluny's Interactions with the Outside World (910-1156)Minnick, David P.
2011"I have a voice, and I do not need to scream": Literary Voice and the ReaderEngels, Isaac
2004Les Chinois de Paris: Cultural Paradoxes From Immigration to IntegrationWong, Denise
2005Le Portrait de la Femme dans Pride and Prejudice et Le Rouge et le NoirPutka, Daphne
2009Le musée de ProustBanica, Violeta
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 151