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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 184
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Financing the State: Inequality and Fiscal Capacity in Uneven TerritoriesPardelli, Giuliana
2019Varieties of Protectionism: Ethnic Politics and Resistance to Neoliberalism in the Arab WorldMonroe, Stephen Louis-Andre
2019The Ghostwriters: Lawyers and the Politics Behind the Judicial Construction of EuropePavone, Tommaso
2019Essays on American CourtsShahshahani, Sepehr
2019Assessing Competing Claims to Speak over Mass Media: The Priority of Audiences' Epistemic ClaimsMiller, Erin Lynn
2019Hyperpresidentialism in the Southern Cone of Latin America: Examining the Diverging Cases of Argentina and ChileBerbecel, Mihnea Dan
2019Protest, Social Policy, and Political RegimesBerman, Chantal E
2019Economic Interdependence, Political Risks, and the Limits to LiberalizationAlkon, Meir
2019Do Facts Speak for Themselves? Causes and Consequences of Partisan Bias in Factual BeliefsKhanna, Kabir
2019The Political Effects of Hosting Refugees on Local CommunitiesZhou, Yang-Yang
2019Taxing Clients: The Politics of Local Taxation in BeninSy-Sahande, Sanata
2019Saving Paternalism: The Case for Deliberative InterventionKim, Suzie
2019Neptune's Trident: Sea Power, Order, and the Evolution of Maritime StrategyTayler, Aaron
2019Essays on Contemporary European PoliticsChou, Winston
2019Essays on Data Integration in the Social SciencesEnamorado, Ted
2019Borders of Compassion: International Migration and the Politics of Parochial AltruismKustov, Alexander
2019The Politics of Influence in International Economic CooperationKennard, Amanda
2019Empirical and Computational Methods for Electoral PoliticsFifield, Benjamin
2018Completely Free: J.S. Mill on Individuality and SocialityDiIulio, John Peter
2018Soldiers of Democracy: Military Legacies and Democratic Transitions in Egypt and TunisiaGrewal, Sharanbir
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 184