Statistics, 1967-1985
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 229
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1974 | Fitting Truncated Asymmetric Distributions to Discrete Frequency Data | Harrison, Graham A. |
1983 | Exploring other "Hinge" t's as Alternatives to Tetrainefficient Pivot-t and Bipivot-t in Small Sample Sizes | Yeap, Beow Yong |
1971 | Exploratory Statistical Analysis Applied to Data From a Large-Scale Computer System | Chapman, Douglas R. |
1974 | Exploratory Experiment on Stepwise Regression | Jacobs, Ellen |
1975 | A Determination of the Effect of a Variable Speed Limit on the Flow of Traffic | Thum, Steven D. |
1970 | Experimental Sampling and Regression Analysis. Some Preliminary Investigations | Kennedy, John |
1983 | A Description of Two Populations of Coenonympha Tullia Using Statistical Methods [MISSING] | Cone, Anne E. |
1977 | Estimation of Multiple-Output Production Function Parameters: The Input Demand and Canonical Correlation Approaches | Fernanades, Vasco F. |
1981 | Estimation of Known Loss Reserve in Property and Casualty Insurance | Walzer, Leigh |
1975 | Estimation of Fecundability: A Robust Point of View | Stoto, Michael A. |
1973 | Eruptions of Old Faithful | Leurgans, Sue E. |
1976 | Error Models for Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling | Rattner, Zachary |
1977 | Equating Test Scores as a Prerequisite for Inferring Differences in Reading Ability in Cohort Groups | Kuzmak, Sylvia D. |
1968 | Empirical Evaluation of "Jacknifed" Confidence Intervals for a Given Estimator | Smith, Charles S. |
1970 | Election-Night Forecasting: A Study of the Characteristics of New Hampshire's Precincts | Schiffner, Jr., Robert A. |
1974 | Effects of Sex Preselection on the Sex Ratio at Birth | Stoto, Michael A. |
1977 | A Critical Examination of the Wein Econometric Modelling of the Natural Gas Industry and the Forecasting Performance of This Model and Related Models | Herring, Brian |
1983 | Dynreg: An S Function for Interactive Regression | Buttrey, Samuel E. |
1975 | Does an Author's Style Change Over Time? An Examination for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Sohl, John P. |
1981 | Dividends, Market Prices and a Group of Oil Companies | Sternberg, Theodore |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 229