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Statistics, 1967-1985

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 229
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1981Log-Linear Hazard Models: An Analysis of the Socioeconomic and Demographic Covariates of Contraceptive EffectivenessSchirm, Allen L.
1970Linear Programming with Uncertainty in the Objective FunctionSeay, III, Charles Frank
1976Linear Models in Multivariate Analysis of VarianceJacobs, Ellen
1980A Monte Carlo Investigation of Four Resistant Estimators in the Small Sample CasePedersen, Jan
1985JUIS: Functional SpecificationLevin, Daniel J.
1976A Model for Population Projection by Age and Marital StatusMills, Kathryn B.
1967A Minimum - Time Routing and Capacity Restrained Traffic Assignment Procedure for Small NetworksGuelich, Jr., Robert V.
1968Inventory Control ModelsCooper, Roger Stuart
1970Information and Meaning in StatisticsBinkowski, Edward
1983A Look at Hingespreads as a Measure of SpreadBellamy, Margaret G.
1974In Initial Critique of the Application of Standardization Techniques to a Particular ProblemMcGee, Jr., James V.
1975Hypothesis Testing and Real Decision-MakingKurman, David
1983How to Generate Pleasing Curves -- A Reduced Residual Approach to Fitting Functional FormsGarfinkle, Scott E.
1977Heating Energy Demand ForecastingPensak, Martin
1974A Heuristic Approach to the Use of Residuals in the Analysis of Time SeriesLax, David A.
1967GraduationBoyd, Richard
1973A General Review of Discussion to Date on Methods of Rate StandardizationFerington, Judith
1979Framework for an Original Dice-Activated Baseball GameMinkoff, Alan
1981Formulation of County Population Estimates for Postcensal PeriodsBlais, Bernard T.
1979Fluctuations in the Earth's Orbit and Their Effect on the Earth's Climate: A Study by Complex DemodulationWeseley, Mitchell
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 229