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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Collections in this community

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1181 to 1200 of 68621
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Aug-2019App-Based Ride-Hailing versus Public Transit: An Analysis of Modern Transportation Decisions in New York CityMagill, Jack
16-Aug-2019Using Neural Network Models to Enhance a Novel Trend-Following Strategy for Market Index InvestingLuo, Queenie
16-Aug-2019Improving Estimation of Factor Risk Premia via Robust Covariance TechniquesLou, Timothy
16-Aug-2019Full Revenue Extraction for Collusion-Proof AuctionsLi, Walter
16-Aug-2019Making “Dependable Engines”: From Policy Search to Stochastic Lookaheads in Dynamic Supply Chain PlanningKernisan, Greg
16-Aug-2019Kernel-Based Outlier Detection For IoT NetworksKelly, Adam
16-Aug-2019Approximating Equilibrium in Extensive Games with Imperfect Recall via Counterfactual Regret MinimizationKang, William
16-Aug-2019Optimal Learning for Optimal Rowing: Maximizing Mechanical EfficiencyKallfelz, Emily
16-Aug-2019Lightning Bugs or Fireflies? A Machine-Learning Approach to U.S. Dialects and Presidential ElectionsKabir, Tazim
16-Aug-2019A Comparison of Clustering Algorithms in the Study of Hate Crime and Discrimination in IndiaJoshi, Prachi
16-Aug-2019Selective Economic Progress: The Growth of Income-Inequality in IndiaJoshi, Arnav
16-Aug-2019aTaxis vs. Airlines: The Fall of Domestic Air Travel in an Autonomous Ridesharing Transportation SystemJohnson, Hunter
16-Aug-2019Using Machine Learning to Optimize Team-Based eSports Outcome PredictionHuang, Kyle
16-Aug-2019Gradient Information Analysis of ReLU NetworksHou, Charlie
16-Aug-2019Bursting the Bubble: An Analysis of Bitcoin's Peak PricesHayek, Victoire
16-Aug-2019Applications of Statistical Learning to Identify Risk Factors in Student Loan Default and RepaymentHaile, Elizabeth
16-Aug-2019Investigating the excess risk-adjusted returns to merger arbitrage in SingaporeGupta, Sarang
16-Aug-2019Identifying Effective Mechanisms to Reduce Teacher Attrition Rates: A Study of New York City Public SchoolsGoh, Andrew
16-Aug-2019Cryptocurrency Portfolios: Investment Optimization and Risk AnalysisGirshik, Daniel
16-Aug-2019Worst-of Options Pricing and Implied Correlation using Copula MethodsFu, Jason
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1181 to 1200 of 68621