Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1021 to 1040 of 68621
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
4-Sep-2019 | Creating an Automated IdeologicalTransformer Using Moral Reframing | Joshi, Ananya |
4-Sep-2019 | Mars VR: Reconstructing Interactive 3D Mars Environments for Astronaut Training | Hayes, Eric |
4-Sep-2019 | Computer Vision Cubed: A Framework for Rubik's Cube Turn Classification | Harrington, Matt |
4-Sep-2019 | Moving from Recognition to Reasoning in Image Captioning | Feng, Berthy |
4-Sep-2019 | Learning When to Encode and Retrieve Episodic Memories With Memory-Augmented Neural Networks | Fan, Kathy |
4-Sep-2019 | P40f: Passive Operating System Fingerprinting on Programmable Switches | Bai, Sherry |
4-Sep-2019 | The Matroid Secretary Problem | Bahrani, Maryam |
4-Sep-2019 | Fixed-Wing UAV Autonomous Deployment for Search and Rescue Applications | Barnes, Ashley; Dimitui, Adelle Ingrid; Kittler, William |
4-Sep-2019 | ReOcean: An Active System for Removing Waste from the Oceans | Buline, Robert; Cohen, Robbie |
4-Sep-2019 | Autonomous Quadcopter Navigation Using Depth Camera and Real-Time Kinematic GPS | Liu, Mario; Noordin, Nadir |
4-Sep-2019 | The Sound of Silence: A Preliminary Investigation into the Effects of Blade Row Spacing in Counter-Rotating Propellers on the Sound Intensity in the Near-Field | Spiezio, Jeremy; Supervielle, Matias |
4-Sep-2019 | Dynamic thrust and vector control ofa small scale turbojet engine | Merrill, Curtis; Puryear, Joseph; Zhelezniak, Serg |
4-Sep-2019 | Hybrid Performance Golf Cart: Examining the Feasibility of Low-Budget Hybrid Engines | Kryczka, Spencer; Roettig, Connor; Teves, Joshua; Veronneau, Max |
28-Aug-2019 | Parameter Identification and Adaptive Control of a Fixed-Wing UAV in the Longitudinal Mode | Hess, Will; Hsia, Alexander |
24-Aug-2019 | One Light Touch: A Simulation of the Sensory Cell Network in the Finger | Benjapibal, Tammy; Ou, Victoria |
24-Aug-2019 | A Virtual Wardrobe: A Computer Vision Approach Towards Online Shopping | Sidhu, Harjot; Gupta, Mehaa |
24-Aug-2019 | Controlling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in High Wind Speeds Using Nano-Scale Thermal Anemometry Probes | Ramesh, Gayatri; Huang, Whitney |
20-Aug-2019 | Functional analysis of germ cell less during germ cell formation and specification in Drosophila melanogaster embryos | Wilkins, Lillian |
20-Aug-2019 | Rigorous Ab-Initio Modeling in Microscopy: a fast, stable and provable algorithm to estimate 3D molecular structure from uniformly oriented 2D projection images | Liu, Changshuo |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1021 to 1040 of 68621