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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1021 to 1040 of 68621
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Sep-2019Creating an Automated IdeologicalTransformer Using Moral ReframingJoshi, Ananya
4-Sep-2019Mars VR: Reconstructing Interactive 3D Mars Environments for Astronaut TrainingHayes, Eric
4-Sep-2019Computer Vision Cubed: A Framework for Rubik's Cube Turn ClassificationHarrington, Matt
4-Sep-2019Moving from Recognition to Reasoning in Image CaptioningFeng, Berthy
4-Sep-2019Learning When to Encode and Retrieve Episodic Memories With Memory-Augmented Neural NetworksFan, Kathy
4-Sep-2019P40f: Passive Operating System Fingerprinting on Programmable SwitchesBai, Sherry
4-Sep-2019The Matroid Secretary ProblemBahrani, Maryam
4-Sep-2019Fixed-Wing UAV Autonomous Deployment for Search and Rescue ApplicationsBarnes, Ashley; Dimitui, Adelle Ingrid; Kittler, William
4-Sep-2019ReOcean: An Active System for Removing Waste from the OceansBuline, Robert; Cohen, Robbie
4-Sep-2019Autonomous Quadcopter Navigation Using Depth Camera and Real-Time Kinematic GPSLiu, Mario; Noordin, Nadir
4-Sep-2019The Sound of Silence: A Preliminary Investigation into the Effects of Blade Row Spacing in Counter-Rotating Propellers on the Sound Intensity in the Near-FieldSpiezio, Jeremy; Supervielle, Matias
4-Sep-2019Dynamic thrust and vector control ofa small scale turbojet engineMerrill, Curtis; Puryear, Joseph; Zhelezniak, Serg
4-Sep-2019Hybrid Performance Golf Cart: Examining the Feasibility of Low-Budget Hybrid EnginesKryczka, Spencer; Roettig, Connor; Teves, Joshua; Veronneau, Max
28-Aug-2019Parameter Identification and Adaptive Control of a Fixed-Wing UAV in the Longitudinal ModeHess, Will; Hsia, Alexander
24-Aug-2019One Light Touch: A Simulation of the Sensory Cell Network in the FingerBenjapibal, Tammy; Ou, Victoria
24-Aug-2019A Virtual Wardrobe: A Computer Vision Approach Towards Online ShoppingSidhu, Harjot; Gupta, Mehaa
24-Aug-2019Controlling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in High Wind Speeds Using Nano-Scale Thermal Anemometry ProbesRamesh, Gayatri; Huang, Whitney
20-Aug-2019Functional analysis of germ cell less during germ cell formation and specification in Drosophila melanogaster embryosWilkins, Lillian
20-Aug-2019Rigorous Ab-Initio Modeling in Microscopy: a fast, stable and provable algorithm to estimate 3D molecular structure from uniformly oriented 2D projection imagesLiu, Changshuo
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1021 to 1040 of 68621