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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1001 to 1020 of 68621
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Sep-2019Buckling of Geometrically Frustrated Frames: Spin Model Approaches and Finite Element AnalysisZheng, Yinan
11-Sep-2019Top-Down Visual Perception in Infancy: The Case of the Rubin's VaseFernandez, Fernanda
10-Sep-2019Semantic Representations of Speech Predict Distributed Cortical Activity Related to Language ProcessingWiggins, Luke
6-Sep-2019The Effects of Identity, Language Use, Language Ideology. and their Level of Congruency on Language Policy Preferences and Reaction to Policy Outcomes in UkraineRodan, Dean
4-Sep-2019A Theoretical Analysis of Contrastive Unsupervised Representation LearningKhandeparkar, Hrishikesh
4-Sep-2019Low Cost Calibration and Control for Silicon Photonic Neural NetworksXiao, Kyle
4-Sep-20193D Surfaces in the WildFan, David
4-Sep-2019Improving the Odds: Fairness in Tournament DesignZuo, Albert
4-Sep-2019Methods for Labeling Big Data: Active Learning and Data ProgrammingZimmer, Jacob
4-Sep-2019Data-Based Prediction and Analysis of the Plasma Pedestal in Tokamak Fusion ExperimentsZhao, Jinjin
4-Sep-2019Energy as a Commodity: A Decentralized Application for Peer-to-Peer Energy TradingWild, Parker
4-Sep-2019Fast CornerNet for Real-time SystemsTeng, Yun
4-Sep-2019No Rewards: Analyzing Double Spend Attacks in Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Protocols without Block RewardsRodriguez Quinones, Jose
4-Sep-2019Energy Commerce: Developments on a Decentralized Marketplace for Peer-To-Peer Energy Trading to Incentivize Adoption of Renewable Energy SourcesRajendran, Vignesh
4-Sep-2019Robustness of Cosmic Void Properties: A Predictive ApproachPanchal, Rushy
4-Sep-2019The Good Judge: Evaluating the Ethical Permissibility of Risk Prediction Algorithms in the US Criminal Justice SystemNyquist, Jessica
4-Sep-2019Toward Zero-Shot Action Recognition for Video Moment LocalizationMcCaffrey, Ryan
4-Sep-2019Weakly Supervised Object Detection: Hierarchical Learning with CornerNetLi, Matthew
4-Sep-2019Who Polices the Online Police? Measuring User Profile Bias in Online Content ModerationLi, Jiayang
4-Sep-2019The Emergence of Race and Sex from Face Recognition SystemLi, Haochen
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1001 to 1020 of 68621