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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 901 to 920 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Athletic Enhancement: Confronting Doping in the Modern Age--A Political and Social EvaluationHarbacek, Nathan A.
2003At-Risk to Kill or Be Killed: An Analysis of Philadelphia's Youth Violence Reduction PartnershipSullivan, Steven
1996At the Instersection of Class and Gender: American Women and Child SupportPonder, Paige Allison
1990At Cross Purposes: A Study of Attempts at Reconciliation between the Federal Republic of Germany and PolandBiddinger, Paul David
2006Asymmetrical Development: Social Welfare and Economic Growth in Guatemala and BoliviaAndrews, Suzanne
2006Asset Repatriation Campaigns: Recovering Africa’s Looted Billions.Scher, Daniel M.
2008Assessing the Transit Village Initiative: A Quantitative Approach to a Qualitative PolicyBuchman, Aaron
2005Assessing the Impact of eGovernment Reform Processes on Chilean DemocratizationBaradello, Federico Carlos
2001Assessing the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Gender InequalityMahboubi, Mona
2010Assessing the Cycle of Poverty in the Evaluation of Oportunidades and Bolsa Família: A Cross-National Study of Conditional Cash Transfer ProgramsMacias, Eric
1986Assessing Technology Assessment for Congress: The Founding of the OTA [Office of Technology Assessment]Kennedy, Lisa Catherine
1999Assessing Police-Community Collaboration: A Case Study Set in New York's Lower East SideRosenzweig, Emily
1974Assessing Community Corrections: The Promise and Pitfalls of Neighborhood Residential Treatment CentersAllard, Nicholas W.
1974Aspects of Soviet-Indian Relations from Khrushchev to BrezhnevHines, Jonathan Howard
1998Asparagus After Spring Rain: Literary Policy in the Post-Mao ThawHall, Gregory Weston
2012Asia’s Democratic Bulwark: A Theoretical Analysis of Strategic Convergence Between India and Japan in the Early 21st CenturyPanda, Ankit
1943Asbestos Industry in Canada and the United StatesSchelling, George Walter
1996As the Well Runs Dry: The Political Economy of Diversification in VenezuelaSkillin, Kevin D.
2007Art Museum Financing: Negotiating Profitability and the Public TrustGandhi, Meghana
2009Army Privates vs. Private Armies: Right-sizing US Military Outsourcing and Buying Back America's Military CapabilitiesBlashek, Jordan A.
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 901 to 920 of 4854