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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 881 to 900 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Balancing Efficiency and Equity in America: A School Choice ProposalWalling, Andrew
2011Bailing Out Europe: Design and Evolution of the European Financial Stability FacilityGocaj, Ledina
2008Bad Cop, Good Cop: Policing and Transitional Justice in South Africa and Northern IrelandLi, Jireh
1948Background for the Spanish Heritage of Democracy in Rio de la PlataKitain, Burton
2000Back to Schools: School-Based Management as an Urban Education Reform in New JerseyWardenski, Joseph John
1986Axis of Fear: Past, Present, and Future Prospects of Franco-German Security RelationsBabej, Peter
2003Awake, Mighty Giant: The Past, Present, and Future of the U.S. Response to Global AIDSFrankel, Adam
2005"Attacking in a Different Direction" - Small Wars and Doctrinal Innovation in the United States Marine CorpsBozman, Jeffey Todd
1946Authoritarianism and DemocracyRussell, Allen Homer
1949Austria-Pawn of Power Politics 1918-1938Jonge, Alfred Walter De
1949AustriaDe Jonge, Alfred
1971Australian Foreign Policy towards Southeast AsiaShen, Bing
2005Attracting Foreign Direct Investment to Estonia - A New Governmental StrategySikkut, Siim
1995Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action: Paradox or Paradigm?Vars, Fredrick Enoch
1941Attempted Election Reform in Hudson County, New Jersey with Reference to the Period 1936-1940Meeker, Jr., Harvey Horton
1989Attacking Chinese Organized Crime in Hong Kong and San FranciscoRegelman, Karen Renee
1944Attack in MexicoArnold, John Lang Von
1953Atomic Energy Control: A Case Study in International RelationsGray, III, Gilson Berryman
2004Atlantic City: The Flop, The Turn, and The RiverFuzesi, Timothy
1995Atlantic Allies, Aegean Foes Greek-Turkish Relations, 1945-1989Mouyer, Efstratios
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 881 to 900 of 4854