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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1161 to 1180 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986Voluntary Associations as Structures of Agriculture Change: A Public Policy PerspectiveLichtenbaum, Peter
1991Voir Dire and Jury PsychologyYohai, David
1950Voice of AmericaPoole, Jr., Curtis Wellington
1995Vive La France?: French Efforts to Preserve National Cultural IdentityMcClave, Norman IV
2003Vive la Bourse: The New Corporate Economy in FranceFerrer, Andrew
1945American Relations with Russia in the Far East, 1898-1905Weinberg, Jr., Sidney James
1966Virginia's Organization Politics in State and NationHogan, Richard Wayne
1974Virginia at the Crossroads: The New Populism vs. the Southern StrategyStone, Steven David
1977Virginia and the Critical Environmental Areas Land Use Concept. 1977-1974MacMurray, Worth Daniels
2009Violent Incarceration: The Relationship between Assault and Overcrowding in South African PrisonsBarmore, Cynthia Anne
2004Violence, Rejection, and Faith: The Experiences of Women Living with HIV and AIDS in a South African TownshipScurry, Kristina
1942American Radio - the Voice of Wartime AmericaMitchell, Jr., Charles Stuart
2012Violence and Drug Trafficking in Central America: "The Ghosts of Institutions Past, Present and Future"Dobles Madrigal, Maria Jose
1946Vincente Lombardo Toledano and the Confederacion de Trabajadores de Mexico, 1936-1949Manders, Donald Cortlandt
1962American Propaganda to Poland: An Analysis and EvaluationBeck, Robert Randall
1949Vertical Integration and Effective CompetitionRemington, Thomas Ryder
1983Vers l'Organisation de la Paix: l'Idee de Societe des Nations en France, 1914-1919Lepard, Brian David
1989Verifying Conventional Force Reductions in EuropeBlake, Andrew
2001Venture Philanthropy: Possibilities, Practicalities and PrognosisBates, Amy
1977Venezuelan Foreign Policy in the Commonwealth CaribbeanBritton, Edward Charles
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1161 to 1180 of 4854