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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1141 to 1160 of 4854
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1964Washington, Moscow and the Struggle for Power in France, 1947Glancy, Walter John
1993Warfare vs. Welfare: Reassessing the Trade-Off between Military and Social SpendingBeeuwkes, Melinda
1941War Propaganda Techniques in Present WarMohler, Jack Line
1978American-Middle East Policy 1906-1977: A Case Study in the Search for a Post-Containment Foreign PolicySlade, Kenneth Hugh
1975War on Poverty: InsurgencyColosi, Frank Peter
1973War on Heroin -- The United States Government Response to the Heroin Black MarketBurghardt, James Theodore
1947War Beyond the Law - The Efforts to Outlaw War from Versailles to NurnbergKern, Jr., George Calvin
1943American-Chinese Relations: Emphasizing the Years 1931-1941Pike, Otis Grey
1945Wallace WillkieKerrigan, Jr., James Joseph
1994Walking through Quicksand: School Finance Reform in New JerseyLight, Michelle Lynn
1996Walking the Line: U.S. Strategies for Deterring Illegal ImmigrationHovancik, Alison J.
2011Walking the Last Three Feet Without Boots on the Ground: Public Diplomacy and Stabilization in Fragile StatesMcPhee, Megan
2010Walk a Mile in their Boots: The Decline of Military Experience in the U.S. CongressGulland, Samuel
1999Waiving Informed Consent in Emergency Research: Experience with a Federal RegulationShu, Aimee
1952Wage Stabilization in the "Battle against Inflation"Pringle, Jr., Samuel Wilson
1947W.E. Burghardt du Bois, a Credit to His Race and to His NationShaw, Thomas Neville Fawcett
1993Voucher Funding for Religious Schools: Prerequisites, Problems, Precedents and ProposalsDoyle, Katherine T.
1984Voter Registration and Mobilization in the 1980's: The Human Serve Fund - A Case StudyPlotnick, Alison Tracy
1951American Tourists as a Factor in European RecoveryDuvall, IV, John Sprigg
2006Volunteer Tourism and Sustainable Development: Short-Term Initiatives Yielding Long-Term Results: A Case Study of NicaraguaFrist, Lisa K.
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1141 to 1160 of 4854