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Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
-Moy, TiffanyA Guide to Building Hybrid Large-Area Sensing Systems: Circuit and Algorithmic Techniques for Scalable InterfacesVerma, Naveen
2019Yu, VivianAdapting an Eye Tracking Algorithm for a Compute-In-Memory UnitVerma, Naveen
2019Jared, JamesBalance Analysis Using Large Area ElectronicsVerma, Naveen
2019Haug, NickBuilding a Microphone Array for Isolating Multiple Sound SourcesVerma, Naveen
2014Ward, AbigailBuilding Three-Dimensional Interactive Spaces with Extended-Range Capacitive SensingVerma, Naveen
2014Solis, MatthewCharacterization of Noise in Thin-­‐Film TransistorsVerma, Naveen
2014Wharton, DavidClassification Algorithms for Embedded HardwareVerma, Naveen
2015Owen, GregoryThe Coming TEMPESTFelten, Edward; Verma, Naveen
-Tao, SenCompensation for the Error/Non-Ideality in Data Conversion and Transmission Using Statistical Estimation and Coding TechniquesVerma, Naveen
2019Chazen, ZoeControl and Processing of RFID Reader Array for Object Identification and LocalizationVerma, Naveen
-Shoaib, MohammedDesign of Energy-efficient Sensing Systems with Direct Computations on Compressively-sensed DataJha, Niraj K; Verma, Naveen
2011Hartzell, CarolynDesign, Fabrication and Simulation of an LC Oscillator Circuit with Thin Film TransistorsVerma, Naveen
2021Jia, HongyangDesigning Computing Systems Based on Unconventional Technologies for Hardware AccelerationVerma, Naveen
2015Ko, BrittanyDeveloping Applications For An Extended-Range Capacitive 3D Gesture Sensing SystemVerma, Naveen
2019Al Tair, AbdulghafarDiving In: A Model Interpretability Approach to Sensor Fusion for Accurate and Efficient Human Activity Recognition Tasks.Verma, Naveen
2017Cellon, AdamEpileptic Feature Extraction via Convolutional Neural NetworksVerma, Naveen
-Zhang, JintaoExploring Mixed-signal Computation for Energy Aggressive Interface ArchitecturesVerma, Naveen
2013Solomon, VictoriaThe Eyes Say It All: A Low-Cost Communication Device for Patients with ALSVerma, Naveen
2012Moy, Tiffany TangFlexible Microelectrode Arrays with Dural Regeneration Incorporating a Thin Film Transistor Circuit for Chronic Neural RecordingVerma, Naveen