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Title: Generalized State-Sum Invariants of Knots
Authors: Hugelmeyer, Cole Wilkening
Advisors: Ozsvath, Peter S
Contributors: Mathematics Department
Keywords: delta moves
finite type invariants
knot theory
state sum invariants
transverse knots
virtual knots
Subjects: Mathematics
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University
Abstract: We present various generalizations of the finite type theory of knots by establishing a relationship between generalized finite type theories of knot-like structures and diagrammatic combinatorial systems for representing those structures. By inventing suitable new combinatorial diagram systems for representing knots and knot-like structures, we can compute generalized finite type theories. We will create a category theoretical formalization of this correspondence, and demonstrate it through three examples: the standard finite type theory and its relationship with clasp diagrams, the finite type theory of delta moves and a new diagram system called looms, and the finite type theory of combinatorial structures we call virtual transverse knots. The finite type theory of delta moves may have applications to unknotting number, and the theory of virtual transverse knots leads to many interesting and difficult conjectures. Finally, we will go beyond finite type theories to study how our formalization can be applied more generally.
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Type of Material: Academic dissertations (Ph.D.)
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Mathematics

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