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Title: First Observation of the Rare Decay of the Eta Meson to a Muon Pair and an Electron Pair with the CMS Experiment
Authors: Greenberg, Bennett P
Advisors: Marlow, Daniel
Contributors: Physics Department
Keywords: CMS Experiment
Double-Dalitz decay
Eta meson
High energy physics
Pseudoscalar meson
Subjects: Particle physics
Issue Date: 2025
Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University
Abstract: The rare decay of the η meson to a muon pair and an electron pair is observed for the first time, by the CMS collaboration at the CERN LHC. The data is collected with a special double-muon trigger used in 2022, corresponding to 38 fb⁻¹ of integrated luminosity. The process is observed with a significance well in excess of 5 standard deviations. A measurement of the branching fraction of this decay mode is also performed, using the η meson to 2 muons decay mode as normalization channel.
Type of Material: Academic dissertations (Ph.D.)
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Physics

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