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dc.contributor.advisorKlusowski, Jason Matthew
dc.contributor.advisorFan, Jianqing
dc.contributor.authorGao, Cheng
dc.contributor.otherOperations Research and Financial Engineering Department
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, there has been a surge of interest in theoretical guarantees for transfer learning and gradient-based optimization in machine learning, driven by their success across various fields. This thesis addresses several key challenges in statistical transfer learning and optimization convergence in large-scale machine learning models. In Chapter 2, we address robust transfer learning challenges due to ambiguity in Bayes classifiers and weak transferable signals between the target and source distributions. We introduce the ``ambiguity level'', a novel measure of the discrepancy between target and source regression functions, propose a simple transfer learning procedure, and present a general theorem linking this quantity to risk improvements. The effectiveness of our method is validated through non-parametric classification and logistic regression tasks. In Chapter 3, we develop a unified framework for efficient transfer learning (or fine-tuning) in deep ReLU neural networks for high-dimensional non-parametric regression, tackling with covariate and posterior shifts simultaneously. By using latent factor models with sparse low-dimensional nonparametric interaction, we demonstrate that our fine-tuning factor augmented method achieves optimal statistical convergence rates, adapting to the unknown low-dimensional structures of both the target and source regression functions. Additionally, we propose a model-selection diversified projection procedure that provides a more robust estimation of the latent factor space by leveraging the additional source data. In Chapter 4, we analyze the convergence of gradient flow in training Transformers with weight decay regularization. We first establish the mean-field limit of large-scale Transformers, showing that as model width and depth increase, gradient flow converges to the Wasserstein gradient flow, represented by a partial differential equation (PDE). We then prove that gradient flow reaches a global minimum consistent with the PDE solution when the weight decay is small.
dc.publisherPrinceton, NJ : Princeton University
dc.subject.classificationOperations research
dc.titleTransfer Learning and Optimization Theory for Large-Scale Models
dc.typeAcademic dissertations (Ph.D.)
pu.departmentOperations Research and Financial Engineering
Appears in Collections:Operations Research and Financial Engineering

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