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Title: Fast and Robust 3D Reconstruction
Authors: Lipson, Lahav
Advisors: Deng, Jia
Contributors: Computer Science Department
Keywords: 3D Computer Vision
Camera Pose
Subjects: Computer science
Issue Date: 2025
Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University
Abstract: 3D reconstruction from visual data is an important subtask for robotics, autonomous machines, and 3D scene understanding. It involves estimating camera and object motion from images/video, as well as 3D structure. I will introduce an approach known as Optimization Guided Neural Iterations (OGNI), and demonstrate how it can be applied to various 3D reconstruction tasks. In OGNI-based approaches, we mimic classical optimization algorithms by breaking down each task into a series of small revisions predicted by a shallow network. Each revision is supervised independently, and is informed by features conditioned on a running estimate of the solution. This mechanism is suprisingly general, and leads to robust and efficient solutions to 3D reconstruction. Moreover, I introduce several explicit optimization layers which enable one to reformat these challenging problems into easier, low-level vision tasks. On visual SLAM, stereo matching and object pose estimation, I show how this approach leads to state-of-the art accuracy and/or speed. I also discuss potential future directions for this line of work.
Type of Material: Academic dissertations (Ph.D.)
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Computer Science

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