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Mathematics, 1934-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 653
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Jul-2020Torsion in the Cohomology of Arithmetic SubgroupsYoung, Cooper
24-Jul-2020Time-Independent Correct Majorities for Asynchronous Informative Processes in Balanced Binary TreesLin, Kevin
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALBast, Mitchell
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALCicortas, Serban Eugen
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALMong, Arnold
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALJiao, William
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALHallman, John
24-Jul-2020An Overview of Collision Resistance Against a Quantum AdversaryKaleoglu, Fatih
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALKing, Jason
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALSlavov, Stanislav
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALLong, Theodore
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALLovelace, Seth
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALChandran, Kapil
24-Jul-2020On the Denominator of Wachspress Basis Functions for Polycons of Order SixWachspress, Jacob
23-Jul-2020Topological Considerations for the Computation of Hecke Operators on the Cohomology of Siegel Modular ThreefoldsGalt, Dylan
23-Jul-2020The Alexander PolynomialKim, Jung Jin
23-Jul-2020ErrorNet: Error Detection on Meshes of Neuronal ReconstructionAndronache, Teodor-Andrei
20-Aug-2019Rigorous Ab-Initio Modeling in Microscopy: a fast, stable and provable algorithm to estimate 3D molecular structure from uniformly oriented 2D projection imagesLiu, Changshuo
26-Jul-2019A Kähler Package for GrassmanniansHuang, Bill
26-Jul-2019Two-Dimensional Multi-Target DetectionRukshin, Iris
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 653