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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 75
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018How to be an Ethical Non-CognitivistHubble, Eric
2018Reduction and Images of RealityTabris, Nathaniel Ariel
2017New Work on the Old World OrderNichols, Cory
2017Ethical Issues In Genetic TestingKilbride, Madison Korinne
2017On the Structure and Equivalence of TheoriesBarrett, Thomas William
2017Categories We (Aim to) Live ByDembroff, Robin
2017From Representation to RealityHirsch, Robert
2017Art, Value, and Relationships of PartialityCross, Anthony
2017Spinoza on Becoming EternalKrut-Landau, Raphael
2017Personal Identity: Assessing the Theoretical LandscapeLarsen, Kerstin Marie
2016A Theory of Blame and BlameworthinessGease, Arlyss
2016Reason in Action: Accountability, Rational Control, and the Voluntary in AristotleWolt, Daniel Mark
2016Univalence, Foundations and Philosophy: With a Sheaf-Shaped AppendixTsementzis, Dimitris
2016Virtue, Actions, and Ends in Aristotle's EthicsHirji, Sukaina Hirji
2016Avoiding the One Thought Too Many: Essays on Virtuous AgencyJoshi, Hrishikesh Suhas
2016Rationality in Ancient Stoic PsychologyShogry, Simon Theodore
2016Decision Theory and Deep IgnoranceIsaacs, Yoaav Isaacs
2016The Metaphysical Basis of LogicMcSweeney, Michaela McSweeney
2016On the Varieties of NormativityWodak, Daniel
2016Aristotle on Remembering and RecollectingParsons, Rachel Gillian
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 75