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Architecture School, 1968-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1065
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Jul-2019Closure & Afterlife: Reimagining Shuttered Schools in ChicagoPerez, Rae
15-Jul-2019IMAGES OF CONSUMPTION: The Architecture of Gender in Post 9/11 DubaiKhan, Noshin
15-Jul-2019An Argument Against ElasticityGuo, Susan
15-Jul-2019The Architecture of Indoor Farming as it Develops in Urban EnvironmentsGlossinger, Allison
15-Jul-2019Architectures of Spectacle and Control: The Beijing National Stadium and its Implicit Political AgendasAuyeung, Lauren
7-Aug-201820th Century Urban Planning and Applications for Affordable HousingMacWaters, Arthur
7-Aug-2018The Powers of Ten, directed by Ray and Charles Eames: Space Exploration, Communications Theory, and the Homogenization of Scale in the 1970sWilliams, Sophia
7-Aug-2018Architects of Accommodation: a Historical and Architectural Analysis of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott BrownVaughn, Clark
7-Aug-2018The Invention of Navajo Nature: Building, Heritage, and Land in the 1930sToledo, Zoe
7-Aug-2018Learning From South Africa: Contradicting the Myth of Core/Periphery Knowledge Production Through an Appraisal of Critical RegionalismSteere, Frances
7-Aug-2018Tiny House on the Prairie: The American Pastoral's Influence on the Image of the American HomePierce, Kylee
7-Aug-2018The Revolving House: A Paradoxical Intersect of Kinetic Architecture and Kinetic SculptureMaldonado, Matthew
7-Aug-2018Architecture as Building, Object, and, Curatorial Project: Retracing the History of Architecture Exhibitions at the Venice BiennaleLopez Serfozo, Alissa
7-Aug-2018The Sprawl Cycle: Why Technological Advancements Continue to Promote Inefficient Horizontal Urban GrowthHedrick, Marc
7-Aug-2018The New Workplace: An Evolution of the OfficeForbes, Jackson
28-Apr-2017MAPPING | MAPPINGPak, Peter
28-Apr-2017Architecture and the Ground: Understanding Architecture in Postwar Japan Through the Ground PlaneGonzalez Medrano, Mariana
27-Apr-2017Patterns of Movement: Temporal & spatial narratives at the scales of Berlin's MuseuminselLoh, Ning
18-May-2017Creation and Renovation: Alignment, Conflicts, and Negotiations between Office Buildings’ Original Aesthetics and Evolving Design ObjectivesYin, Aaron
28-Apr-2017Green Diamonds: Sustainable Aesthetic Design Under PressureMiller, Emily
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1065