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Classics, 1934-2019

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 749
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Between Interpretation and Translation: Plato's Ion According to Schleiermacher, Sydenham, Jowett, and WoodruffDru, Jacobine K.H.
1977Banqueting in the Iliad: A Study of Homeric MetaphorHeskel, Julia
1990Banditry and the Greco-Roman NovelWright, Wesley
1971Balance and Symmetry in Longos' Daphnis and ChloeMaxson, Wayne Swartley
2000Authorizing the Cosmos - A Narratological Study of Hesiod's DesignKlipper, Alexander Aaron
1982Aulus Cornelius Celsus and his Surgery: Their Place in HistoryFlynn, Jr., William Francis
1978Augustus: The Social ProgramBodel, John Putnam
1983Augustus, the Poets, and the Masses: The Effect of the Settlement of 23 B.C. on Diction in Roman PoetryAbbot, Jr., James Carswell
2007Augustine on EvilKeegan, Kevin M.
1984Augustine and HealingBlackburn, Susan Walker
1958Augury and Divination in the Homeric EpicsLane, Eugene N.
1990Attitudes Towards and Use of Prehistory in Peripatetic Cultural HistoriesAndo, Clifford Carey
1981Attitudes Toward Women in the Archaic Age Exemplified by the Poetry of Anacreon, Sappho, and SemonidesAdams, Jennifer Lynn
1971Athenian Peaces with Persia in the Fifth CenturyMoran, Richard Aloysius
1988Athenian Finances During the Archidamian WarPeyster, Nicholas LIndsay Morris De
1977Astrology and Roman Politics to the End of the RepublicWard, James Olney
1963Aspects of Euripides' BacchaeHansen, Hardy
2009Artist, Tyrant, and Economist? – Towards an Understanding of Neronian Economics in the ‘Great Fire of Rome’ and the Neronian DebasementCodega, Joseph M.
1984Ars Vergiliana. Analyses of Three Features of Vergil's Style Relating to Word Arrangement and Caesurae in Book 8 of the AeneidVance, Charles Rainey
1993ARS Cenatoria: The Private Roman Convivium and Its Influence on Social StructureLahaussois, Aimee
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 749