Classics, 1934-2019
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 749
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2007 | Between Interpretation and Translation: Plato's Ion According to Schleiermacher, Sydenham, Jowett, and Woodruff | Dru, Jacobine K.H. |
1977 | Banqueting in the Iliad: A Study of Homeric Metaphor | Heskel, Julia |
1990 | Banditry and the Greco-Roman Novel | Wright, Wesley |
1971 | Balance and Symmetry in Longos' Daphnis and Chloe | Maxson, Wayne Swartley |
2000 | Authorizing the Cosmos - A Narratological Study of Hesiod's Design | Klipper, Alexander Aaron |
1982 | Aulus Cornelius Celsus and his Surgery: Their Place in History | Flynn, Jr., William Francis |
1978 | Augustus: The Social Program | Bodel, John Putnam |
1983 | Augustus, the Poets, and the Masses: The Effect of the Settlement of 23 B.C. on Diction in Roman Poetry | Abbot, Jr., James Carswell |
2007 | Augustine on Evil | Keegan, Kevin M. |
1984 | Augustine and Healing | Blackburn, Susan Walker |
1958 | Augury and Divination in the Homeric Epics | Lane, Eugene N. |
1990 | Attitudes Towards and Use of Prehistory in Peripatetic Cultural Histories | Ando, Clifford Carey |
1981 | Attitudes Toward Women in the Archaic Age Exemplified by the Poetry of Anacreon, Sappho, and Semonides | Adams, Jennifer Lynn |
1971 | Athenian Peaces with Persia in the Fifth Century | Moran, Richard Aloysius |
1988 | Athenian Finances During the Archidamian War | Peyster, Nicholas LIndsay Morris De |
1977 | Astrology and Roman Politics to the End of the Republic | Ward, James Olney |
1963 | Aspects of Euripides' Bacchae | Hansen, Hardy |
2009 | Artist, Tyrant, and Economist? – Towards an Understanding of Neronian Economics in the ‘Great Fire of Rome’ and the Neronian Debasement | Codega, Joseph M. |
1984 | Ars Vergiliana. Analyses of Three Features of Vergil's Style Relating to Word Arrangement and Caesurae in Book 8 of the Aeneid | Vance, Charles Rainey |
1993 | ARS Cenatoria: The Private Roman Convivium and Its Influence on Social Structure | Lahaussois, Aimee |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 749