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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://arks.princeton.edu/ark:/88435/dsp01vd66w259k
Title: Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 1968 tom 79
Other Titles: Литературное наследство, 1968 том 79
Pesni, sobrannye pisateliami - novye materialy iz arkhiva P. V. Kireevskogo = Песни, собранные писателями - новые материалы из архива П. В. Киреевского
Contributors: Shcherbina, Vladimir
Keywords: Literature--History and criticism--Periodicals
Kireevskiĭ, Petr Vasilʹevich, 1808-1856
Kireevskiĭ, Petr Vasilʹevich, 1808-1856. Songs. Selections
Issue Date: 1968
Publisher: Izdatel'stvo "nauka"
Place of Publication: Moskva
Series/Report no.: Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 1968 tom 79
URI: http://arks.princeton.edu/ark:/88435/dsp01vd66w259k
Appears in Collections:Serials and series reports (Access Limited to Princeton) - Literaturnoe Nasledstvo

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