Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 183
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Cosmology from the bispectrum | Coulton, William |
2018 | Study of Argon Electroluminescence Light Yield using Data from DarkSide-50 | Zhu, Chengliang |
2018 | Neutron Veto Efficiency of the DarkSide-50 Detector | Qian, Hao |
2018 | Measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy from the Atacama Desert | Choi, Kang Hoon |
2018 | Mechanoperception and morphogenesis of living architectures | Beroz, Farzan |
2018 | Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with Silicon Charge and Spin Qubits | Mi, Xiao |
2018 | Protein Phase Separation In and Out of Cells | Xu, Bin |
2018 | Characterizing Information in Physical Systems: from Biology to Black Holes | McGough, Lauren |
2018 | A dark matter search with DarkSide-50 | Koh, Guangyong |
2018 | Studying the Cosmic Microwave Background with Spider’s First Flight | Young, Edward |
2018 | Measurement of the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background with the SPIDER Instrument | Gambrel, Anne Elizabeth |
2017 | Alphas and Surface Backgrounds in Liquid Argon Dark Matter Detectors | Stanford, Christopher |
2017 | Conformal and Nearly Conformal Theories at Large N | Tarnoplskiy, Grigory M |
2017 | Aspects of Scale invariance in Physics and Biology | Alba, Vasyl |
2017 | Consensus Decisions and Structural Information in Shoaling Fish | Hartnett, Andrew Thomas |
2017 | Quantum Optics with Semiconductor Double Quantum Dots | Liu, Yinyu |
2017 | Aspects of higher-spin conformal field theories and their renormalization group flows | Diab, Kenan Sebastian |
2017 | Connecting Archimedean and non-Archimedean AdS/CFT | Parikh, Sarthak |
2017 | Large Millimeter Bolometric Arrays on ACT for Cosmic Microwave Background Observations | Ho, Shuay-Pwu Patty |
2017 | A Generic Theory of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect | Shen, Yu |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 183