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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 39 of 183
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The energy resolution and the energy deposition processes in disordered targets for rare-event searchesLi, Xinran
2020Transport Properties of Topological Semimetals and Non-Symmorphic Topological InsulatorLiang, Sihang
2020On-shell methods and positive geometryYelleshpur Srikant, Akshay
2020Probabilistic Modeling of Structure in Science: Statistical Physics to Recommender SystemsAltosaar, Jaan
2020Topological Structures in Supersymmetric Gauge TheoriesFan, Yale
2020Tensor Network States, Entanglement, and Anomalies of Topological Phases of MattersZheng, Yunqin
2020Physics of the UltrametricJepsen, Christian Baadsgaard
2020Topology in Quantum Magnets and SuperconductorsZhang, Songtian Sonia
2019Search for Superconducting Edge Mode in Topological MaterialsWang, Wudi
2019Geometric distortions and quantum criticality in the lowest Landau levelIppoliti, Matteo
2019Probing dynamical quantities in the 2D Fermi-Hubbard model with quantum gas microscopyBrown, Peter Thomas
2019Search for Long-lived Particles Decaying into Displaced Jets with the CMS Detector at the Large Hadron ColliderLuo, Jingyu
2019SYK Model and Its GeneralizationBulycheva, Ksenia
2019Large-scale volumetric in vivo two photon calcium imagingSong, Alexander
2019Gravitational Dynamics of Near Extremal Black Holesyang, zhenbin
2019New constraints on the axion's coupling to nucleons from a Spin Mass Interaction Limiting Experiment (SMILE)Lee, Junyi
2019Visualizing emergent phenomena in quantum materials: from Majorana zero mode to many-body correlationsXie, Yonglong
2019Imaging Quantum Hall Wavefunctions With A Scanning Tunneling Microscope: From Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking To Interacting Domain Boundary ModesRanderia, Mallika
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 39 of 183