Neuroscience, 2017-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 131 of 131
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
8-May-2017 | Functional Imaging of Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons during Complex Reward-Learning Behavior | Momenee, Alexander |
24-May-2017 | Deep Learning Models for Neural Encoding in the Early Visual System | Moskovitz, Theodore |
24-May-2017 | Excessive Deliberation in Social Anxiety: Using Neuroeconomic Applications to Improve Characterizations, Diagnostic Criteria, and Treatment Options for Social Anxiety Disorder. | Meer, Elana |
8-May-2017 | Detecting Biased Memory Reactivation During Sleep with a Laterally Asymmetric Signal | Lurie, Sarah |
9-May-2017 | Probing the relationship between high frequency oscillations and epileptic brain activity through the lens of feedforward inhibition | Fan, Jaimie |
6-Jun-2017 | Evolving Engineered S. Cerevisiae Toward Efficient Production of Lactic Acid | Davidoff, Erika |
11-Apr-2017 | How Risk Preference and Perception of Action Riskiness in Fencing Affect Learning and Strategy of Fencing Play | Holmes, Katharine |
10-Apr-2017 | Top-Down Modulation of Face Perception in Infancy: A Study of Facilitated Processing and Performance | Dombrowski, Natasha |
28-Apr-2017 | Disruption of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Cytoplasmic Domain's Protein-Protein Interactions in Mouse Hippocampus | Du, Peter |
26-Apr-2017 | The Characterization of Eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytriptamide (EHT) Synthase in Rat Intestine | Potts, Audrey |
27-Apr-2017 | Sequence Selectivity in the Mouse Primary Visual Cortex: the Semantics and Syntax of the Canonical Cortical Microcircuit | Kim, Hyewon |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 131 of 131