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dc.contributor.advisorLittman, Michael G.-
dc.contributor.authorDaigger, Matthew-
dc.contributor.authorWallace, Leah-
dc.description.abstractNo parent plans to forget their child in the car, yet every summer news stations broadcast tragic stories of infants dying of heatstroke due to being forgotten in a car. Busy parents leave the car “just for a minute” or forget that it’s their day with the kids and the consequences are devastating. Our proposal for our senior project is a device which will aid in preventing children from being left in cars. The goal is to create a two part, user friendly product which includes a hardware device that integrates with the car seat and an iPhone app that engages the device. The car seat device would be engaged once the child is secured in the car which would cause it to track the distance from the user’s iPhone. If the phone moves father than a predetermined distance from the car, a notification will be sent to the parent reminding them that their child is still in the car. With our final product parents can Experience Tranquility with the knowledge that their child won’t be forgotten in the car.en_US
dc.titleTranquility: Design and Testing of a Device to Prevent Infant Heat Stroke Deaths in Automaobiles Due to Memory Lapseen_US
dc.typePrinceton University Senior Theses-
pu.departmentMechanical and Aerospace Engineeringen_US
Appears in Collections:Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1924-2019

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