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Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 154
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Properties modification of chalcogenides by various external stimuli and the applicationsLu, Chao
2015Liquid Jet Formation in Laser-Induced Forward TransferBrasz, Carl Frederik
2015Flexibility and curvature effects on vortex dynamics and fluid-structure interactionsShang, Jessica
2015Problems in Reaction Networks and Low Temperature CombustionZhao, Peng
2015Coupled Mechanical and Electrochemical Phenomena in Lithium-Ion BatteriesCannarella, John
2015Experimental and Modeling Studies of Small Molecule Chemistry in Expanding Spherical FlamesSantner, Jeffrey
2015New Developments in Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory Enabling Simulations of Covalent MaterialsXia, Junchao
2015Coherent structures in turbulent pipe flowHellstroem, Leo Hugo Oskar
2015Investigations of the Fundamentals of Passive Scalar Dynamics using Nano-sensing devicesArwatz, Gilad
2015Optimizing the Efficiency of Batoid-Inspired SwimmingQuinn, Daniel
2015Analytical and Computational Studies of Compositional Lipid Microdomains in Bilayer MembranesHan, Tao
2015Emergent collective decision-making: control, model and behaviorShen, Tian
2015Performance Scaling of Magnetic Nozzles for Electric PropulsionLittle, Justin
2014Occulter-Based High-Contrast Exoplanet Imaging: Design, Scaling, and Performance VerificationSirbu, Dan
2014Density effects on turbulent boundary layer structure: from the atmosphere to hypersonic flowWilliams, Owen
2014Dynamics and Chemistry of Laminar and Turbulent Expanding FlamesWu, Fujia
2014Human-inspired Algorithms for Search: A Framework for Human-machine Multi-armed Bandit ProblemsReverdy, Paul Benjamin
2014Direct and Indirect Determinations of Elementary Rate Constants: H+O2 Chain Branching; the Dehydration of tertiary-Butanol; the Retro Diels-Alder Reaction of Cyclohexene; the Dehydration of IsopropanolHeyne, Joshua Steven
2014Problems in Catalytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons and Detailed Simulation of Combustion ProcessesXin, Yuxuan
2014The turbulent wake of submarine model in pitch and yawAshok, Anand
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 154