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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2016Quasi-linear gyrokinetic predictions of the Coriolis momentum pinch in NSTXGuttenfelder W.; S.M. Kaye; Y. Ren; W. Solomon; R.E. Bell; J. Candy; S.P. Gerhardt; B.P. LeBlanc; H. Yuh
May-2019Nonlinear saturation and oscillations of collisionless zonal flowsZhu, Hongxuan; Zhou, Yao; Dodin, I. Y.
May-2016Massive Gas Injection Valve Development for NSTX-URaman, R.; Plunkett, G.J.; Way, W.-S.
Jun-2019Formation of solitary zonal structures via the modulational instability of drift wavesZhou, Yao; Zhu, Hongxuan; Dodin, I. Y.
May-2019Spontaneous multi-keV electron generation in a low-RF-power axisymmetric mirror machineSwanson, C.;Cohen, S.A.
May-2017Full-wave simulations of ICRF heating regimes in toroidal plasmas with non-Maxwellian distribution functionsBertelli, N; Valeo, E.J.; Green, D.L.; Gorelenkova, M.; Phillips, C.K.; Podesta, M.; Lee, J.P.; Wright, J.C.; Jaeger, E.
29-May-2018Calibrationless rotating Lorentz-force flowmeters for low flow rate applicationsHvasta, M. G.; Dudt, D.; Fisher, A. E.; Kolemen, E.
2018Effects of Axial Boundary Conductivity on a Free Stewartson-Shercliff LayerCaspary, Kyle J.; Choi, Dahan; Ebrahimi, Fatima; Gilson, Erik P.; Goodman, Jeremy; Ji, Hantao
Aug-2018Design and measurement methods for a lithium vapor box similarity experimentSchwartz, J. A.; Emdee, E. D.; Jaworski, M. A; Goldston, R. J.
Jul-2017M3D-C1 simulations of the plasma response to RMPs in NSTX-U single-null and snowflake divertor configurationsCanal, G.P.; Ferraro, N.M.; Evans, T.E.; Osborne, T.H.; Menard, J.E.; Ahn, J.-W.; Maingi, R.; Wingen, A.; Ciro, D.; Frerichs, H.; Schmitz, O.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Waters, I.