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dc.contributorHapper, William-
dc.contributor.advisorRomalis, Michael-
dc.contributor.authorKabcenell, Aaron-
dc.description.abstractNoble gas comagnetometers have applications to searches for spin-gravity couplings, electric dipole moments, and nuclear spin gyroscopes, but their sensitivity is still very far from fundamental limits. The previously demonstrated 3He-129Xe comagnetometer probed by an alkali metal magnetometer has both the long coherence of a noble gas and the sensitivity of an alkali metal, allowing near-quantum limited detection of nuclear spins. However, the collisions between the polarized metal and the noble gas lead to a shift in the nuclear precession frequency. Here, we show that the application of RF radiation at the hyperfine transition in potassium can achieve greater than 99.7% depolarization of the alkali metal. We also demonstrate power broadening of the Zeeman levels, and explore the limitations of this technique.en_US
dc.format.extent72 pagesen_US
dc.titleRF Depolarization of Potassium in a 3He-129Xe Comagnetometeren_US
dc.typePrinceton University Senior Theses-
Appears in Collections:Physics, 1936-2020

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