Computer Science, 1988-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 685
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | SCLE: A System for Automatically Comparing Gradable Attributes | Schulam,, Peter |
2012 | Scheling Lines on 3D Surface Meshes | E, Jane |
2004 | Robocup: Machine Learning and the Goalie | Carnevale, Randy |
2004 | Robocup Machine Vision | Costow, George |
2012 | Reverse Engineering Integrated Circuits | Susnea, Adriana |
1996 | Retargetability Issues in Worst-Case Timing Analysis of Embedded Systems | Braun, Owen Charles |
2009 | Reproducible Feature Selection for the Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging Data | Drexler, Jennifer |
2010 | Rendering City-scapes | Morgan, Peregrine |
1996 | Remote Data Storage on Untrusted Internet Servers | Rakow, Jeffrey August |
2011 | REEF: A REactive, Efficient, and Flexible System for Internet Traffic Management | Ousterhout, Kay |
2012 | Recommendation Algorithms for the CourseNet Social Network | Kaier, Andrew |
2010 | RANSAC-based Scan Alignment with Applications to Materials Fingerprinting | Wang, Ye |
2002 | A Software Visualization Experiment for Large-Scale Computer Displays | Cacchione, Maxime |
1998 | QED (Query Expander and Delimiter)-A Search Tool for Digital Libraries | Locke, Edward |
1995 | A Simulated Market: The Relationship Between Trader Behavior and Liquidity | Weiksner, Michael |
2001 | Prox System Implemented with Java IButton Technology | Schidlowsky, Michael |
2005 | Properties of LP Solutions for Special Cases of FAS-Tournament | Stanton, Matthew |
2007 | Probabilistic Additive Component Analysis: A Latent Variable Model for Dimensionality Reduction of Human Functional Magnetic Resonance Images | Weiss, David |
2003 | Princeton Course Recommender | Simbi, Paul |
2005 | Preserving Types in the TigerCompiler | Peng, Daniel J. |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 685