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Computer Science, 1988-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 685
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Boosting Signal Processing Methods for Note Onset DetectionYe, Michael
1999Biometric-Based Identification: A Foolproof Solution?Smith, Tanya D.
1999Beyond ManetMandelbaum, Yitzhak Chaiim
2009Beating Back Babel: Creation of a Lemmatizer, Part-of-Speech Tagger, and Translator for Ancient HebrewDouglas, Daniel
2005Autonomous Vehicle Path Planning and ArbitrationBrooks, Trevor V.
19933D Models of BuildingsMcAllister, Jonathan Tillett
2012Autonomous Smartphone Object Detection for Visioin ISmith, Kashif
20043D Model Reconstruction from a "Sea of Images"Battaglia, Frank
2008Automating Separation Logic for Concurrent C MinorMansky, William
1997Automating Memory Management for Standard CMattal, Paul
1999Automated Sound ClassificationElder, Delia Corrine
2007Automated Reduction of Nonstandard to Standard AnalysisLi, Tianhui
2006Artificial Intelligence in Horse Racing GamesFields, Greg
2003Artificial Elegance: Creation of a Chess Playing Application based upon Alpha-BetaParker, Gregory
2005Artifacial Intelligence: A Learning System for the Fully Automated Prediction of Facial AttributesBavor, Clayton; Levinson, Jesse
2008Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation with Factored Translation ModelsLedbetter, Thomas
2005Approximating the Sparsest CutOrecchia, Lorenzo
2010Applying Karnaugh Map Analysis to the Candidate Cryptographic Hash Functions of the NIST SHA-3 CompetitionIlvento, Christina
2012Applications of Information Structure in Text-to-Speech SystemsWyzgoski, Zachary
1999Animated Teleconferencing: Video Driven Facial AnimationBuck, Ian Andrew
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 685