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Modern Languages, 1926-1958

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 867
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1950An Examination of the Significance of Art for Art's Sake as a Theory of Literary ArtOdell, Turner Rutledge
1958An Approach to Adrian LeverkuhnGunzelmann, Paul Walter
1940An Analytical and Critical Study of Grillparzer's Classical Female PersonalitiesMoeller, Chester Shepard
1940An Analysis of the Poetry of Theodore Storm and Edward Morike: A Series of Interpretative EssaysBoeker, Richard Carlton
1930An Analysis of Kleist as a DramatistBegg, John Alexander
1956An Analysis of Germany 1870-1900 with Illustrative Excerpts from the Novels of Theodor FontaneLevetown, Robert Alexander
1947Zola, The ArtistCoon, Richard Boardman
1956Zola's Search for Truth through Art and ScienceKnox, Joseph Twoler
1930Zola's "Scenes of Parisian Life"Cowden, James Rice
1953Zola et L'ImpressionismePeenen, Peter Franz Dirk Van
1929Zola and NaturalismWainwright, Joseph Reeves
1931Zola and Dreiser: A Comparative StudySternbach, Jr., Sidney Myer
1930Youth of LamartineElliott, William Coulter
1952Young Goethe: A Study in Genius and ConventionNegus, Kenneth George
1939An Analysis and Interpretation of Two Important Periods in the Life of Lamartine, the Man and Poet, between the Years 1790-1830Sheppard, Ronald Fitz-Randolph
1934Women in the Lives and Works of Kleist, Grillparzer and HebbelDelano, Richard Hartwell
1937Winckelmann [His Life and Work]Brown, Paul Ray
1942We Are a Testimony "Les Canadiens"Robertson, Donald
1941Was Blasco Ibanez the "Spanish Zola"? Zola's Naturalistic Influence on Blasco IbanezBass, II, William Frederick
1927Warfare for Liberation: A Comparative Study of the Social Theories of George Sand and Heinrich HeineClark, Dean Alexander
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 867