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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 184
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Authority and Legal ObligationMark, Daniel Ian
2012Ambition and Rebellion: Citizen Motivation and the Spirited Passions in the Political Thought of Plato and XenophonVandiver, Joshua Jon
2012Discretion and Constraint in Post-9/11 U.S. Foreign PolicyHsu, David T.
2012Why Not Divide and Conquer? Targeted Bargaining and Violence in Civil WarDouglass, Rex Waylon
2012Who Speaks for the "Shadow Immigrants?" Established Intermediary Organizations and Political Advocacy for the UndocumentedLieb, Jennifer Frances
2012Contested Constraints: Regulatory Statutes in America's Modern Administrative StateWallach, Philip Alexander
2012Leisure: The Resource of Time in Theories of Distributive JusticeRose, Julie L.
2012The Confucian Conception of the PoliticalEl Amine, Loubna
2012Exploring Gerrymandering through Electoral Uncertainty and Competing Norms of RepresentationGoedert, Nicholas Michael
2012Fair Trade: The Responsibilities of Consumers, Corporations, and StatesGoff, Sarah Carlson
2012Who's Listening? Audiences, Alarms, and International CooperationChaudoin, Robert Stephen
2012Liberal MedicineFlanigan, Jessica
2012Parental Rights in EducationMoschella, Melissa
2012The Politics of Envy and Esteem in Two DemocraciesMcClendon, Gwyneth H.
2012The Rule of Law in the Global Economy: Explaining Institutional Diversity in Transborder Commercial DisputesHale, Thomas
2012The Overthrow Option: The Strategic Choices of Interstate Conflict and Foreign-Imposed Regime ChangeMcKoy, Michael Kevin
2012The Origins of African Civil-Military Relations: Ethnic Armies and the Development of Coup TrapsHarkness, Kristen Angela
2012Spinoza's Political RealismField, Sandra
2012The Dilemma of Peace Operation Design: Powerful Democracies and the Domestic Politics of Civilian ProtectionEverett, Andrea Lynn
2012Politics Between Black and WhiteDavenport, Lauren Diane
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 184