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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 184
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Essays on the Political Economy of Openness to Foreign Direct Investment Among Developing CountriesMcMann, Jason Ian
2016Bargaining During WarJordan, Richard Pell
2016Essays on Insurgent StrategyWright, Austin L.
2016Voting Matters: A Critical Examination and Defense of Democracy's Central PracticeChapman, Emilee
2016Crude Interruption: How the Proximity of Assets and People Shapes Political ConflictBlair, Graeme
2016Rising Powers and the Quest for Status in International Security RegimesMukherjee, Rohan
2016The Politics of EmpathySchrimpf, Anna
2016Essays on Domestic Politics of International Disputes and CooperationBrutger, Ryan
2016Collective Self-DeterminationZuehl, Jake
2016Neighborhoods against the State. Urban Policy and Violent Protest in Western Europe.Moutselos, Michail
2016Rearming India: Responses to Military Innovation in India since 1947Bradstreet, Barret Francis
2016Leviathan DethronedBrown, Brookes
2016The Moral Judgment of Political ActorsOliphant, John Baxter
2015Peace for Keeps: United Nations Peacekeeping and Government PowerScherer, Thomas Leo
2015Spies and their Masters. Intelligence-Policy Relations in Democratic CountriesFaini, Matteo
2015Mobilizing Litigants: Private Enforcement of Public LawsGardner, Paul Jay
2015Understanding Meritocracy: A Study of Higher Education Institutions in IndiaMistree, Dinsha
2015Varieties of Middle Class Growth and Democratic Preference FormationRosenfeld, Bryn
2015The Localist Tradition in AmericaLatimer, Trevor Patrick
2015Essays on Power in International RelationsBashir, Omar Shahid
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 184