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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2016Linear gyrokinetic simulations of microinstabilities within the pedestal region of H-mode NSTX discharges in a highly shaped geometryCoury, M.; Guttenfelder, W.; Mikkelsen, D.; Canik, J.; Canal, G.; Diallo, A.; Kaye, S.; Kramer, G.; Maingi, R.
Dec-2017Energetic-particle-modified global Alfven eigenmodesLestz, J.B.; Belova, E.V.; Gorelenkov, N.N.
Dec-2017Injected mass deposition thresholds for lithium granule instigated triggering of edge localized modes on EASTLunsford, R.; Sun, Z.; Maingi, R.; Hu, J.S.; Mansfield, D.; Xu, W.; Zuo, G.Z.; Diallo, A.; Osborne, T.; Tritz, K.; Canik, J.; Huang, M.; Meng, X.C.; Gong, X.Z.; Wan, B.N.; Li, J.G.
Mar-2018Plasma boundary shape control and real-time equilibrium reconstruction on NSTX-UBoyer, M.; Battaglia, D.; Mueller, D.; Eidietis, N.; Erickson, K.; Ferron, J.; Gates, D.; Gerhardt, S.; Johnson, R.; Kolemen, E.; Menard, J.; Myers, C.; Sabbagh, S.; Scotti, F.; Vail, P.
Jan-2017Design of Faraday cup ion detectors built by thin film depositionSzalkowski, G.A.; Darrow, D.S.; Cecil, F.E.
Jan-2017Optimization of the angular orientation for a fast ion loss detector in a tokamakDarrow, D.
Dec-2017ELM elimination with Li powder injection in EAST discharges using the tungsten upper divertorMaingi, R.; Hu, J.S.; Sun, Z.; Tritz, K.; Zuo, G.Z.; Xu, W.; Huang, M.; Meng, X.C.; Canik, J.M.; Diallo, A.; Lunsford, R.; Mansfield, D.K.; Osborne, T.H.; Gong, X.Z.; Wang, Y.F.; Li, Y.Y.
Jan-2017Modeling of Lithium Granule Injection in NSTX with M3D-C1Fil, A.; Kolemen, E.; Bortolon, A.; Ferraro, N.; Jardin, S.; Parks, P.B.; Lunsford, R.; Maingi, R.
May-2016Parallel electron force balance and the L-H transitionStoltzfus-Dueck, T.
Nov-2016Far-infrared tangential interferometer/polarimeter design and installation for NSTX-UScott, E.R.; Barchfeld, R.; Riemenschneider, P.; Domier, C.W.; Muscatello, C.M.; Sohrabi, M.; Kaita, R.; Ren, Y.; Luhmann Jr., N.C.